This company is charging the amount of 29.95 for a service that I never asked for. They say that when you apply to get a free sample of some products automatic you get enrool in their services and you have 7 days to cancel if not they charge that amount but the funny thing is is that I ordered the 11/4 and they made the charge 11/10 only 6 days after the order I made for a free trial of a product.
I check again the site where I ordered the free trial and nowhere say that you will get enroll in any kind of services. This is a big fraud and I hope that the authorities stop them soon before they little by little keep reaping more people off. I get the information from my bank and I call their billing number that is 24/7 1-866-407-1022 if you call to the number that is in your bank information is a ghost number that only work inside out and not out to in calls. After argwing with the girl that answer the phone she told me that because I order a free trial I get enroll automaticly to their services. I said to her it is not the seventh day after I bought the product and you are agains the law. People if you keep getting charged their I put their billing phone number. Call them and cancell whatever information they have about you because they will keep charging you.