Health Care & Rehabilitation Services of Brattleboro, VT set up an ACT 264 meeting with my husband, which is designed to enable a challenged child (a 15 year old)to receive special help from government systems. But my cognitively handicapped husband (his disability was known)was bullied, intimidated, duressed, and coerced into "allowing" the agencies to dump our difficult teen into state foster care and get a Medicaid Waiver opened. They bullied him in front of his disabled son, which traumatized them both. My son had to listen to "authorities" degrade and ridicule his father. Later we were coached to admit to "Neglect" in court, which we refused to do. The Neglect charge was later dropped.
Demoralized, we ended up agreeing to allow our son to stay in foster care. At this point he wanted to stay for the financial benefits he could receive. But the traumatic mess was unnecessary; there were services that could have been provided while he stayed at home. HCRS and other involved agencies wanted to do what was easiest for them, which also provided lots of money to their agencies. In order to do this, they exploited my husband's vulnerabilities.