After submitting my $50 to the company to have my resume blasted I received numerous notices back from companies that stated in no uncertain terms that my resume was "unsolicited" and would not be recognized. In addition, I received many responses thanking me for my submission however unless it is associated with a specific job posting it would not be recognized. Not to mention the 50 responses of email undeliverable. And why was I receiving these notices when the website was supposed to be representing me to these companies.
The company specifically says it works with these companies and your resume will be sent to the correct individuals for review. This is not a true statement! My resume was actually unwelcome and now I look bad. As an extreme example my resume was sent to one of the companies help desks. They responded by saying this type of solicitation was unacceptable and I should try their website as a more appropriate means to submit my resume because it clogs their system with additional work. How embarrassing. BE WARNED do not spend $50 with them. It's a waste!