We receive calls from HRRG, 1-800-567-1757 pretty much everyday now. They leave a message if we do not answer and if we do answer it is a generated recorded message asking us to call them back and they will be willing to help us with our bill. But when you call back, it is nothing but rude and arragant representatives on the other line.
We have continued to ask HRRG to stop calling regarding a debt owed, when a payment is being made monthly. They are continuing to call because the $5.00 a month we are sending is not sufficient enough for them. They refused to put us on a payment plan months ago that was under $50.00, so this is what I can afford at the time and what I send every month. Now they are refusing to send a billing statment for the last 3 months. They stated to me just a minute ago they do not have to send a billing statement because the debt has been there since Dec. 09. Dr. Meka Ujal is the doctor that provided services to my husband in Aug 09 at Slidell Memorial Hospital in Slidell, La. The reps stated that he refuses to make a payment plan for this debt. My husband was laid off of work twice in a year and we are behind on bills, that is why we cannot afford it. He was not the only bill we had from this hospital 1.5 day stay. Every service provider - all 7 of them for that visit worked with us regarding making payments but this guy. Soo... Now the harrassing calls and now no billing invoice to show what we have paid. They are cashing the checks every month.
One guy from this co. HRRG literally raised his voice by yelling and asked me, "Did your parents ever teach you how to pay your bills on time. You owe this and you should be ashamed of yourself."
The girl just a few minutes ago told me, " if you do not want us to call, just say so." I told her we did repeatedly, every time you call", and she said, "ok " and hung up on me. Today is July 13, 2010
After searching for their site, I read the brochure that is given to the healthcare providers. They are very misleading and some practices may not even know what they do to "get their money". It specifically states in their brochure:
Our Medical Collection Services Include:
Respectfully reminding your patients of their payment obligations through a mail and telephone campaign
Using a predictive dialer for greater effectiveness in locating and speaking directly to debtors
Recording all telephone conversations between collectors and debtors for later review if a dispute arises
Using advanced technologies, such as electronic skip tracing and electronic verification systems, to locate hard-to-find patients and identify insurance coverage more quickly
Filing insurance claims for many patients if insurance turns up at any point during the collections process
Providing cutting-edge, "slice and dice" reporting which tracks the performance of your accounts
Adhering to collection agency standards and federal and state laws
Pursuing collection efforts in a professional and ethical manner while maintaining strict compliance with HIPAA and FDCPA requirements
Treating your patients with dignity and compassion
Implementing new collection strategies as needed to enhance performance
As I continued reading their website to get healthcare business, I noticed that they state in the descriptions about the company that the reps are outsourced, that website is http://www.teamhealth.com/
PO Box 30698
Knoxville, TN 37919