Hearing Planet consultants do not want to help a customer evaluate their options. If you are not calling to schedule an appointment, they will not return your calls.
My mother needed hearing aids last year. We looked into Hearing Planet, but wound up going to another provider. My mother really liked the hearing center and audiologist we went to, but at a half the cost, we chose to go to elsewhere.
Now, mom has had sudden, significant hearing loss and requires new aids. I have been doing extensive research with various outfits, including Hearing Planet. I called their consultant twice for cost information (total of 5 minutes for each call), and when I called with another question, she cut me off and bluntly asked if I was going to make an appointment. I was wasting her time, just like we wasted the company's time last year (funny, I thought they were reimbursed for that evaluation).
I just find it amazing that in this economy, that this poor level of customer service even exists. How can any company expect an elderly woman, on a fixed income, spend $5600 without evaluating her options? And the real shame is, my mom wanted to go back to their associated audiologist. I will personally pay whatever cost differential and provide any transportation my mom needs to get the service she deserves. I
f this is the level of service I am getting BEFORE placing an order, when a customer is usually promised the world, what can I expect after signing on the dotted line?