Do not do buiness with this company. They do not keep promises. The product is cheaply made. They say they will refund if not happy but have not refunded my money. I have been unable to even contact them by phone due to the number of people waiting to speak to customer service reps. I got the product out of the box and immediately was disappointed in the quality of the item and repacked it to return. I received it on Feb 2nd and returned it on Feb 3rd. I paid $22.15 to return it with insurance and tracking to protect myself after dealing with customer service on delayed delivery and a rude salesperson. They received the product back according to USPS on 2/5/09.
I have repeatedly emailed customer service - NO Reply. Called more than 8 times and there were always at least 16 people waiting and 1 time 28 people waiting. Guess this tells the story. Please don't waste your money. My stove is broken and I could not afford to replace it. I had hoped this would work for me until I could afford to get another stove.
They have not responded to any of my emails so I will send all info to my credit card company to put it in dispute.