I have a file full of documents and proof of the work I have done for Heather & Glenn, for which I have yet to see a dime. They contracted for graphic work, flyers and invites for various events in and around Inglewood during the early part of 2008, including campaign work for various candidates in the Southern California area.<br />
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Since we attended church together and were teaching Children's Church together, I continued our working relationship on a good faith basis, although I began to be suspicious when they sent me to a well known fish market across the street from Hollywood Park to pick up a deposit for some work we were doing for the business, only to have the owner of the business almost cuss me out because he had no idea what I was talking about and my husband had to step in to calm the situation down.<br />
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The final straw came when Glenn's mother, Gloria Gamble, (aka Gigi Gamble) had her G' New Life n Motion Amputee Foundation Fundraiser on March 20, 2008. I was contracted to develop a database, develop invitations, prep those invites for mailing, and I spent many, many hours working with Heather and Glenn to pull the whole event together. I have a copy of what is supposed to be the contractor agreement for the event. <br />
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Heather & I were supposed to be paid 10% of the total donations received for the fundraiser and split that between us, and it was supposed to be paid within 30 days of the event. Suffice it to say I have not seen one thin dime, ever. Heather told me that those donations were upwards of $75, 000.00, but she kept telling me that Gigi was holding out to see if more donations would come in and wouldn't pay her so she couldn't pay me. And of course, she didn't have any money to pay me out of her own pocket. <br />
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But, lo and behold, when time came to go to Canada in the last part of April, 2008 for the final custody hearing for her two boys against ex-husband John Bordynuik, guess who came up with air fare and hotel money to get there for both of them! That's where my money went. <br />
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On top of that, Heather asked me to rent her a car the week before they were supposed to leave, supposedly from Thursday to Monday, at a cost of $110.00. She gave me $85.00 when we picked the car up on Thursday and was to give me the balance on Sunday after Glenn got paid on Friday. But Glenn's check "got garnished" and I wound up having my bank account charged on the following Friday, AFTER they left town, a total of $257.50 -- because they kept the car a whole week. <br />
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First they said that Avis made a mistake, that they turned the car in on time. I showed them the documentation from the rental company and told them we could go together to straighten it out. Glenn couldn't find the time. Heather swore she would send me a money order to cover the money, of course, I have yet to see that. When I pressed Heather about the money she owes me, she responded that "I will not be harassed about this" and stopped taking my calls. <br />
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Con artists?? You betcha!!! By the way, this is only SOME of the history, there is more. . .