August 28, 2009
Scam artists
We purchased two sofas, a loveseat, and two end tables. On delivery, the sofa was wrong color. They redelivered the following day with correct sofa, but on the same day, the store floor model was gone. Store does not deny this and I paid full price for a floor model sofa. On delivery, the sofa in the family room had several scrapes and scratches in the decorative wood. The delivery man had a wood repair kit with him and my wife accepted the repair, since it was now barely visible. Several hours after delivery, after we began sitting on the new sofa, runs, snags, and lilting began appearing on the sofa fabric. The loveseat was fine. We called the salesman at the store, and they gave us the number for service. We then called for a service call to check out the sofa. I also returned to the store to purchase the matching coffee table. I scheduled a store pick-up for that item. When I arrived to pick up the table, I was told that one of the stock workers there had already assembled it, and would help load it for me. The table top was wrapped in layers of bubble plastic and profusely taped. The legs were not covered. We loaded the table, and I took it home. When I got home and began removing bubble wrap, the first corner I uncovered was mushroomed in as if it had been dropped. I immediately called store and added this item to the "service call". I continued to unwrap, and the entire table top had numerous dents, scratches, cuts, chips no way could anyone have wrapped that table and not known it was damaged. So I called back and the service rep arrives as promised and inspects the defective items. He takes photos, and tells my wife that they will be replacing the table and sofa, but be patient, because it takes some time for paperwork, etc. its been 4 months now and we are not yet delivered the sofa and the table. They are scam artists be careful.
April 27, 2009
Bad service
Well, the incident happened like this. I bought a pair of Stacy Adams’
leather shoe in late February’06 and it has not been even two full months
that it broke…Infact even in that one and a half month I wore that pair very
rarely…so don’t ask me why it broke… Definitely because of the cheap quality
material they are putting in their shoes…But anyways coming back to the
story, I took this shoe to the Hecht’s and the sales representative was very
unwelcoming and then I asked for the manager. I was wrong to assume that the
manager definitely will have more sense of customer service as well as
etiquette to talk. And to my surprise this Manager was really very rude in
the conversation and just showed me a tiny(not more than the size of a music
CD) policy board with fine prints; they have in a remote corner of the cash
register according to which a shoe can not be exchanged or returned if it
has a sign of wear- usage. I mean if it would have been working fine, why
would I return it.
I don’t know how Hecht’s can not be responsible for the stuff it is selling
for even two months…on the contrary their website says that the stuff can be
returned for 180 days…but they have different policies for shoes…I’m okay to
abide by policies if they make any sense but I’m not ready to hear
somebody’s bullcrap and that’s why I asked this manager to throw that pair
in the trash can and he did that…I did mean it! Because the way he spoke to
me hurt my self respect very much and that’s what I couldn’t stand. I will
NEVER AGAIN shop at Hecht's and I will make sure that anyone I’ve influence
on doesn’t buy anything from them either. As a Financial Analyst and an MBA
I find it inexcusable that management would enforce this illogical
exchange-return policy, especially when it may cost the store a very high
end customer (I did buy almost $1000.00 worth of stuff from Hecht’s in past
3months). This incident makes me believe, it’s definitely the absolutely
unbelievable, thoughtless stupidity and no sense of customer service at the
retail management of Hecht’s what got it bought by Macy’s. God Bless Macy’s
now…you never know!!!