In day 19 of Dezembro/2008 I acceded to a internet site. In exchange for a payment of 4, 87EUR I acceded the provisory and experimental heading downloads of informatics programs. In the end of this experimental period I could, if I wanted it, to subscribe these services against one payment that they defined clearly in their promotional front page.
I notice that when I called the site and I saw its initial page of presentation. I didn’t see nothing of different of other sites with proposals of software downloads programs that we see at Internet.
I supplied the number of my visa card and I saw that he had been debited in this exactly day 19/12 of 4, 87EUR and of 1, 00EUR.
The 21 and 22/12 they took 39, 95EUR + 39, 73EUR and more 39, 73EUR.
I revisited the internet site and… surprise … Heavy Pornography!
My Christmas presents for these swindlers of the Internet had been:
2008/12/22 HELP4BILL.COM EUR 39, 73
2008/12/22 AIDINGU.COM EUR 39, 73
2008/12/21 ONLINECHG.COM EUR 39, 95
2008/12/19 HELP4BILL.COM EUR 1, 00
2008/12/19 AIDINGU.COM EUR 4, 87
I do not know as to proceed to recover what they had stolen but what annoys me more is to feel me impotent to be able to give them what these thieves, host in U.S.A. and hidden behind complexes informatics programs not to be bothered and to go on to continue to steal fools as I.
Rui Castello Branco