Do You Know Where Your "Private Information" Is At?
I do!
I am the former Chief Legal and Compliance Officer and a Managing Member of Resource One Financial Group, LLC and their insurance subsidiary, Resource One Insurance Solutions. If you are a client, past or present from Resource One or one of its affilliated companies, you may rest assurred of the fact that your confidential personal and financial information now rests in the incompetent hands of the Henry W. Enns family and their latest associates at Prepaid Legal Services and The Worksite Group.
Please let me help you understand just how your HIPAA and FACTA protected, personal, health and financial information, is currently being used by the Henry W. Enns family, formerly of Canada, Temecula, Riverside, Sacramento, Roseville and now Granite Bay, (and perhaps other yet to be discovered temporary stops in between). In June of 2007, Mr. Henry W. Enns, was named President and CEO of Resource One Financial Group, LLC. Resource One was a company originally founded by myself and several other honest, legitimate and professional investment advisors in 1997. I left the firm in 2001 and sold my personal shares and interest to other individuals, each of whom continued on the original mission of the firm.
Beginning in 2004, three of the other primary owners found it necessary to sell their ownership positions in the firm and subsequently retire from the industry for different reasons. One individual was diagnosed with terminal cancer and subsequentally passed away in 2005. Two other owners simply retired from the financial services industry for age or other financial reasons. In 2005, I found myself in a position again, whereby I was being called upon and needed to step back into the daily operations and financial affairs of the firm. This calling included the recapitalization by myself and restructuring of the firm's overall operations and debt. After finding another business associate who was interested in purchasing a major part of the firm, we then recapitalized and proceeded forward, utilizing essentially the same business plan and mission statement that the firm was launched with in 1997.
In early 2005 I was introduced to a most charming individual and his wife, both of whom were formerly Canadian Nationals, and both of whom were close former associates with the other gentleman assisting with the firm's recapitalization. This charming, articulate and allegedly astute businessman and couple were none other than Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Enns and from Canada originally. Between June of 2005 and June of 2007, Mr. Enns served as "Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer" of our primary company, Resource One Financial Group, LLC and also our subsidiary companies. During this period of time, Mr. Enns seemed to bring a substantial amount of "dignity, " "professional polish" and "international flair, " to our firm as a result of his Canadian origin.
Our business year in 2007 brought forth a number of significant professional and financial challenges to be dealt with. In May of 2007, Resource One lost its President and CEO under difficult circumstances and as a result, Mr. Henry W. Enns, ultimately became our President and CEO. Mr. Enns was always quite proud of what he described to all as, "the Canadian work ethic, " and he could always be found in the executive office by no later than 6:00 AM on most work day mornings.
Notwithstanding, those same work days would typically end by 2:00 PM, in order to give him the ability to spend "quality time" with his family. I truly wish that I / We could say that you could find Mr. Enns in the local pub, or at some exotic strip club, but that was never the case with Mr. Henry W. Enns. Where you could find him was usually at home with his wife, Grace Enns, or with one or more of his many children or grandchildren. In fact, that "family man" image was an integral part of the image and overall plan that allowed the entire family to launch the financial scam that he and his family have purputrated on this company, its partners, our clients, our investors, our employees, our shareholders and our creditors.
Certainaly nothing quite on the level of Bernie Madoff and not even a Ponzi scheme, but just simply securities fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion, conspiracy and good ole grand theft. All crimes have been committed to date against those who helped him rise to the comfortable level of success that he enjoyed at Resource One. Also it allowed a prevailing comfort level within the firm that allowed him to commit the unspeakable acts against the very company, investors, partners, clients and consumers that put food on his family's table during his tenure with the company.
For any member in good standing within the financial services community and regardless of whether you sell insurance, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, mortgages, or any other financial product or service; it is a given that you, as a professional advisor and professional practitioner, have an obligation to protect the privacy, financial, medical and personal information of your prospects and clients. This very premise is why legislation was recently and repeatedly drafted and enacted under the Graham, Leach, Billily Act, HIPAA and FACTA federal acts. These recent Federal legislative protections, as well as other legislation at both state and local levels; provide consumers with a significant degree of protection and privacy with regard to their personal and medical information.
Prepaid Legal Services and a Prepaid Legal Services marketing affilliate known as "The Worksite Group, " in Granite Bay California; have recently contracted multiple members of the Henry W. Enns family, in order to sell Prepaid Legal's "Identity Theft Shield" insurance product, as well as Prepaid Legal's other "Legal Protection" plans to "consumers." In fact Enns and family are selling many such "consumers" that have been generated from the private HIPAA and FACTA protected files from Resource One Financial Group, LLC's clients. Despite the extensive efforts of other Officers, Directors and Shareholders at Resource One Financial Group, LLC including myself, the former "Chief Legal and Compliance Officer" of Resource One Financial Group, LLC; the "Enns Clan" has sold out to Prepaid Legal Services and The Worksite Group of Granite Bay California.
While this author wants very much to believe that "The Worksite Group" is nothing less than a legitimate and reputable business entity, only marketing the products and services of Prepaid Legal Services; this author finds it very hard to understand why any legitimate business such as Prepaid Legal Services or The Worksite Group, would allow a group of people such as the Enns family, to sell their products and services to consumers when taken from "confidential" and "protected" client lists belonging to another firm. In fact, they are selling to private and trusting Resource One clients and consumers that have absolutely no business being used by the Enns family, Prepaid Legal or The Worksite Group for such outside sales purposes.
This situation is even more troubling to this author in light of the fact that the egregious conduct of the Enns family has been brought to the attention of both Prepaid Legal Services and The Worksite Group on several occasions and absolutely no action has been taken to correct the situation or to stop the Enns family's business conduct. Speaking as the former Chief Legal & Compliance Officer for Resource One Financial Group, LLC, I can also state that the firm has nearly 3000 clients located throughout the United States. When these clients placed their trust in Resource One Financial Group, LLC, under the direction of Henry W. Enns as President and CEO, those clients fully expected to have their privacy protected and their medical and financial data fully secured by the firm.
On Memorial Day weekend of 2009, Henry W. Enns and other family members, unlawfully gained access to the offices of Resource One Financial Group, LLC. This action was after Henry W. Enns had submitted his resignation as President and CEO of Resource One Financial Group, LLC, on or about May 8, 2009. Mr. Enns had resigned as President & CEO of Resource One in order to pursue his clearly conflicting business interests with The Worksite Group and Prepaid Legal Services. When Mr. Enns gained his unlawful entry to the Resource One business offices, he took posession of essentially all electronic client and consumer files that he had no right to take posession of. Mr. Enns, and those assisting him, also unlawfully took multiple computers, computer back up drives and files the containing client and consumer information. Mr. Enns has refused to return these files or this information to the company despite multiple legal demands to do so.
In fact, due to the actions of Mr. Enns, his daughter in law, Nicole Enns, became the number one producer of Prepaid Legal Services memberships for the month of May 2009. She states in a Prepaid Legal recorded company interview, that she owes most of her success to Henry W. Enns and Grace Enns for their providing her with the lists and names that she used to generate the business for Prepaid Legal. It is this author's specific belief that this "protected" client and consumer information continues to be used to generate "new prospects" for Prepaid Legal Services products and with the full knowledge of both Prepaid Legal Services and The Worksite Group.
Almost beyond this author's belief, Mr. Enns and his family from Canada, are now promoting the Prepaid Legal Services "ID Theft Shield" product and the "FACTA Mitigatition" and FACTA Compliance" programs promoted by The Worksite Group and Prepaid Legal Services. This very type of "theft" or "illegal access" of someone's company information or of someone's company files is essentially just like what Enns and his associates are now showing consumers how to protect against from theft or unauthorized useage. What he claims to protect against is almost exactly like what he just did to his own clients, investors, associates and company.
In fact, this author knows with absolute certainty, that when a client or consumer signs up for any Prepaid Legal Services plan or any program through The Worksite Group, the true agenda is to then get that business to release any and all information that they might have about their company's clients and vendors. It would appear to this author that the first order of business when you become a client of Prepaid Legal Services or The Worksite Group, is for them to get their hands on all of your client and vendor information in order to promote even more sales. This data is requested and a very high priority to them, so they can then go and solicit the very people and clients that have given you their personal and financial information in good faith.
Clients and investors of Resource One and of Henry Enns have just launched a major civil action against Resource One Financial Group, LLC and in particular, Henry W. Enns personally in Los Angeles Superior Court. It is this author's understanding that this first action is merely the beginning of several actions that are presently in the works, with regard to the conduct of the Enns family and their most recent group of "associates." We also have information indicating that other regulatory and law enforcement bodies will also weigh in quite soon on the conduct of the Enns clan and that this author finds to be most troubling.