I purchased a seven year mechanical warranty for a new Motorhome in 2003. The cost was $3995. According to terms the purchase price would be refunded at the end of the contract if no claims had been made. With no claims during the period, which ended in late January 2010, I submitted a claim for reimbursement. After several calls (which were not returned) and emails (also not returned) I submitted a letter requesting an update on my refund. All mail was sent certified with receipt requested. I have the several receipts so the company did receive my correspondence.
On March 30, 2010 I received a letter from Heritage giving some background into the company's financial situation. The letter states they are "...committed to pay...claims from cash flow..." with my estimated payment date January 31, 2012.
With many comments on web blogs and other places, I am concerned this date will be the first of may run-arounds by Heritage to avoid making payment.
What can be done to give assurance that Heritage will keep their end of the bargain?
B. Cronin, Edmonds, WA