Carol Dean Studios
May 12, 2010
After checking out their website and speaking with the sales person there, I initially had a lot of confidence in choosing Heritage web design when I hired them to create what was supposed to be a unique one-of-a -kind web site. I was excited and looking forward to my new web site but they are a supreme disappointment! To make a very long story shorter I paid them about $875.00 and have nothing to show for it except the endless frustration scars from trying to work with them over the past six months over the site, which I came to realize too late, would never be right. They don't seem to care about the customer or making a quality product. The web site was a template and basically you do a lot of the work yourself while fending off calls for up-grades to abstract more money from you. I hired them in November 2009 and told them I'd be moving soon and would not have time to work on a web site with them - they said fine, but if I want the deal I had to sign today, so I did. After I moved I contacted them to start the process and it's been a terrible nightmare ever since, trying to get the work done, having it look good and getting any changes made is frustrating to say the least - you can't talk to anyone, you can't chat online, they don't call you back or respond to e-mail and the quality is bad, bad, bad! I tried to resolve it with them, but they were not open to refunding any of my money and they will not work with you -without extracting teeth, so, they are being reported here, Twitter, Facebook and The Better Business Bureau and to anyone else who will listen.
October 19, 2009
We purchased a website and one year worth hosting from HIT. This has now been a year and a half and it has been nothing but a complete disaster. We are a new small business and HIT has truly compromised our reputation due to pathetic web design. Our site has never truly been up and running correctly and no one has ever tried to do anything to help us resolve the matter. We wanted to change our hosting to another company and see if that helped out and now for 2 months we have been able to get anyone to respond us to get all of our website data.
At this point, we are going to contact an attorney. We lost $1500 from this company, not to mention all the money we would have been making by now if we would had a legitimate website.
After looking at the Better Business Bureau reports, it is quite obvious this company scams many others as well.
Sad but true!!!