Hired to do telemarketing for this company. He does mlm and his cleaning business. Wanted us to do work for his mlm business, did not do well as most mlm's do not. Sent me emails everyday saying his family was starving and needed money. When we werent' getting appts for him for his mlm, we switched to his cleaning business. Did work for him for a week and he requested a refund, double what he paid. (He paid $240, he wanted $480 in return)
Nobody works for free and because there were no appts set for his scam, he wants his money back. After I told him I would issue him a 50% refund, which is our policy, he called my office, my home number and cell phone number everyday, 4 or 5 times a day, sent faxes saying refund, refund and if I dont give him a refund he would kill me!
I reported him to Tempe police and my local police station and blocked his number. He still continues to call me and harass me via email at least once a week.
I would not trust him to clean my carpets, let alone trust him with anything. Bad character.