Hertz Car Rental

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Category: Automotive

Contact Information
norm mineta airport, San Jose, California, United States

Hertz Car Rental Reviews

frank lovinfosse July 15, 2011
deceptive billing practices and unfair billing
I rented a car at hertz at the norm mineta international airport for a week. It was set up by AAA and i was told it was a $155 a week. I kept it for two weeks and two days and returned it . they kept a two hundred dollar deposit with my atm. when i returned it i was told my bill was $525 dollars. i asked why and she said " thats all te hidden fees. I asked what hidden fees and she said taxes and license fees and the AAA discount was only good for a week. I didn't have enough money. I called thier corp office twice and was told they'd get back to me they never did. I lost my atm and got a new one. today 07/15/11 they charged my new card with a diferent number 986.96. how did they do that. i haven't called my bank yet but i need to know what action to pursue. i have no internet so please call me at 408-8065942. my name is frank lovinfiosse.
beinghuman2334 July 5, 2011
bad service
I have rented a vehicle from Hertz in the Erie airport last week. The car they had given me was a Toyota corolla. This car was dirty, brakes sounded horrible, oil was low, washer fluid was low, and there was trash in the center console. I called to speak to the manager about this. I got nothing but rude comments like "You shouldn't have drove off if it was dirty!" and "Oh well, I don't have anything to else to give you." I was stunned at the rudeness of the manager. Getting snooty comments from her has not only happened to me once, but on many occasions. They need to get rid of her and find someone who can actually handle a customer service job without the Bitchy attitude. I will never be renting from there again!
Mr James Thomas June 9, 2011
Moneys taken
Hertz have taken moneys from my account without my knowledge (£320.16) and without an invoice, and are unwilling to explain why. They keep putting obstacles in the way.
Mark Olson May 15, 2011
Said this much charged me a lot more
I rented a car from hertz and at thta time I was told when I return the car that I could buy the gas cheeper from them.so when I did return the rental I was Told at that time the totel rental fee was 511.00 However Hertz billed my checking account 634.86 when I ask why this was they told me it was because I returned it on empty.and I was billed 9.29 a gal.for gas that I was told would be cheeper than buy it any where else and The guy that checked the car in at Hertz also told me then the gas would only be 2.90 a gal.
But the real problem for me is that when they billed my account the 634.86 they overdrew my account with a fee to the bank for 37.00 Although Hertz did say they would reimburse me 107.00 they would not cover the overdraft that, they caused.And because of this to make matters worse (if they could get any worse) I am also disabled and require a service dog as part of my independent living.And with the help of a small loan from the bank I would have made the purchase of this dog myself, and had him here in about 4 weeks.But because of the overdraft that loan has been declined.And I don't know if I'll ever get that dog now.I sure hope Hertz is real proud of them selve for that one.
Gettse March 29, 2011
Rude driver making an unsafe U turn
I was struck by a driver making an unsafe U turn in a Hertz rental while riding my motorcycle Police report lists driver as being at fault. My vehicle was towed and I was taken to emergency room. I have called Hertz claims department twice a day for the past five days. Their outgoing message says that someone will get back to me in an hour.

So far they have not returned a single phone call. Meanwhile my vehicle has been impounded for two weeks and is undividable. I have been a Hertz customer in the past. All I can say is it that they are practicing a high level of corporate irresponsibility and disregard for the well being of the public. Has anyone had experience filing a claim against Hertz?
Digalane March 29, 2011
Unauthorized charges and customer relations are rude
Tried to rent a car with Hertz for a day to attend a funeral. Pre booked online entered my partners name as driver and my credit card details as i don’t drive and she doesn’t have a credit card. That was the fatal mistake since in the terms and conditions it says the names have to be the same. Yet somehow even though they can’t accept payment from a card in a different name, they have no problem taking the payment off the card all the same.

Presumably using the incorrect name for the card. When we turned up to collect the car they refused to let us take one as the card was mine, the staffs were rude and refused to help. I assumed that cause they could not accept the card to pay, that no charge could have been taken. But of course the workings of this firm are a mystery that someone can pay for the car and yet not be allowed to pay for the car at the same time.

I find this practice disgusting, payments should not be accepted if the name is incorrect and if it is legal to still accept the payment it could be checked and hertz if that’s their condition reject the reservation at that point. But no they deliberately allow the transaction and just put the condition in their terms and conditions, so they can still take the money. This is a disgusting shameful practice.

After finding I’d been charged complaining was an even worse experience. Customer relations are downright rude and even tried to threaten charging us more as a no show fee to cover their costs is more than our rental was. Do not use hertz they have no service standards and will try their best to charge you as much as possible in all circumstances.
Gilangio March 28, 2011
Let my experience give you the assurance needed to shop elsewhere for your car rental
In August 2009 my family made reservations online for a small SUV. The night before we were to bring it back the car started running very rough and would max at 15 mph at best. We contacted their roadside assistance department they claimed that if the car was “running” they would do nothing to help. The next day we limped back to the airport, barely made it with 20 minutes before we missed our plane.

Hertz charged us for an extra day, since we were late due to their car problems. Next they charged us for the GPS, which we did not use, but could not prove. We repeatedly called Hertz after receiving the fraudulent bill finally they said they would remove the charge. Yet, a month later, the fraudulent charges had not been removed. Finally, I contacted my credit card company and reported the fraudulent charges and they immediately removed the $167.00 overcharge.

Now three months later, December 2009, Hertz has tried to charge my credit card each month (hoping I would not catch the fraudulent charge), and I have had to call the dispute dept. with my credit card and have it removed three times. This last month, I canceled the card to eliminate any further charges and hassle.

Then, yesterday, I started to receive harassing phone calls from an automated collection agency saying that Hertz wants more money. I refuse to be stranded, over-charged, and now harassed by this company without a fight! This company has compromised their ethical standards. I only wish I had found the hundreds of complaints on the Internet about this company before I made the reservation. Let my experience give you the assurance needed to shop elsewhere for your car rental.
say_what?? March 21, 2011
Damage ripoff
Rented a car at VIE for a few days and dropped it off early morning before the counter re-opened. A couple of weeks after the rental, I got a letter in the mail with a 1000 euro bill for a 150 euro rental. The reason? A scratch on a front hubcap and some supposed "scratches" on the rear bumper cover. The hubcap scratch was undocumented (but I did bump a curb one time while parking, so it's possible that there was a ding that I didn't notice... they charged me 20 euros for the hubcap... whatever... no big deal and just not worth complaining about - it's Austria, land of nickel-and-diming). My big complaint is the 730 euros they billed me for repainting the back bumper. The "documentation" they sent me shows a reflection of the guy taking pictures and a bunch of stick-on arrows pointing to "scratches" on the top of the bumper cover. If you look really hard, there's what looks like a scuff mark (maybe someone in my party pulled a suitcase out of the hatchback and it rubbed over the paint???? Maybe someone walked by in the parking lot and tied a shoe using the bumper as a footstool after I dropped the car off?) that could likely have been removed with cleaner wax. Instead, they chose to get a body shop quote and bill me for a repaint. If I'd noticed, I'd probably have gotten some wax and rubbed it on the bumper to make the "scratches" disappear... it is, after all Austria... there's a fill mark on drink glasses, and restaurant minimum napkin size and absorbency is legislated for a reason. (I'm Austrian, not just a whiny tourist)

Bottom line: see for yourself if you think this is worth 700+ euros without a hint of documentation that any work was even done on the car???!!! (note that the big dark thing in the middle of the photos is the guy with the camera... not what they're actually photographing). Judge for yourself, then decide whether or not you want to give these people your business.

I was an exclusive Hertz renter for roughly 15 years and have rented from Hertz AT before... I have one word for them now: Goodbye! Avis, I'm back... Sixt, I'm coming...
Ikaika September 9, 2010
Fuel for Car rental
manager: Brian
Sell Rep: dywne- You Say it like this (Dawn-Knee)i Arrived at the Hertz rental at 8:54 PM

I sent you my reservation e-mail on the first e-mail from
[email protected]

I'll send my receipt once I get feed back concerning my complain.

The lady assistance me when i drove up and i asked the questioned "Hey did you
already charge me for a full tank of gas cause on my agreement there is only
Stars (***) and i was wondering if not can i go and just put gas in due to that
i am a hour early." the Reason being is because i told the lady that i wanted to
pay for a Full tank before i left and the person that rented me the car was

the Rep reply, "yeah she is inside"

I asked, "can i go speak to her to see if it was a mistake or something, or do i
just need to go fill up the gas so i wont have to pay all this money"

the rep said, "i can hold the car but i have to print you out the receipt, "

after it was printed she said as it stands i am paying 180.90 until they can
figure something out,

I did not know her printing the receipt out that she closed the rental

when i got inside i waited in line and spoke to one of the reps and explained my
situation due to i was not sure if i they can fix their mistake or do i just
need to go fill the tank up.

they lady asked if she gave me a receipt which i said yes, she told me she had
to give this to me to come inside to talk to ya'll, and that she will hold on to
the keys for me.

the lady at the counter than said may i see the receipt,

as i was handing the receipt to her the lady said oh no she closed out your

i said she told me she had to print that receipt out so i can come talk to ya'll

the sell's rep replyed no she didn't have to we can actually close out your
rental from in here,

i told her well she said she had to but she will hold on to the keys for me so i
can come inside to ask my question so i can figure out what to do, because i
came in a hour early before my rental was due to be turned in.

the sell's rep said well it looks like we went over the agreement with you and
you signed it,

i said ok i see under the optional services the fuel service so i was a little
confused this is why i came early to figure out if i did already paid for it...
if not than i can go still go fill it up cause i have plenty of time since i
have it for a hour still.

the sell rep said well once you return it you can't go back and get it,

i said the lady that i returned the car to told me she will hold the keys for me
so i can ask the question since i was unsure.

the sell rep said i will have to call my manager about this. i said ok

after she got off the phone with the manager she told me that the manager will
be up here shortly to speak with you

i asked is there a problem

she said no, but she asked (dawn-knee) will she like to speak with me cause she
was the one that gave me the rental which (dawn-knee) refused to so the manager
will speak with me, so i said ok that is fine.

the manager (Brian) walks up after 10 mins and looks at me and just asked, " Are
you the guy that returned the car with out filling it up"

I said yes

Brain said well you told (dawn-Knee) no to the fuel charges i remember because i
audit her that day and i remember you and your rental and you told her no.

i said i told her yeah sure because she told me hertz was beating everyone else
right now.

Brian said nope i remember you and your rental and you said no, and they get
commission to remember that you said no

i said cause i go and just fill it up cause i still have 50mins before the
rental is due in

Brian said no once you drop off the car you can't get it back

i said the lady said she will hold on to the keys for me

Brian said she does not have the authority to make the decision only i do, and
i put it in my back shop.

Brian than turns to walk away

i said you have to be kidding me

and brian said nope

and i said that's it

and brian said yup thats it.

You see brain was not even out there watching her In fact the only time he came
out the day i went to pick up my rental which was on 09/02/2010 he only came out
cause there was me and another person renting a prius but there was only 1 prius
there. i came 10 mins early before my rental was due to be rented out. the
other gentalmen also made the rental at the same time which we both were on time
but i had to wait 35 mins to get my rental since they had to find another one.
during this time Dawn-knee asked if i wanted to purchase a full tank and i said
yeah sure but they were also running around taking care of other things cause
dawn-knee left me at the counter 5 times which i was standing up there waiting
once they got vehical dawn-knee said i see you declined the insurance, and stuff
which i said that is correct. so i had to fill out a inspection sheet.

See that is the only thing that i declined which i am a gold's club member so it
is in my records, and this was the first time i used my gold's club card as

first i just wanted to my fuel money back, the way i was treated i want all my
money back.
They didn't charge me for what i said yes to the buying a full tank cause they
were distracted by not having the right amount of rentals when i went to put up
my rental
2nd the lady i returned the car told me she can hold the car when she didn't
have the authority to which brian the manager told me
than brian the manager didn't listen to anything i had to say and just blew me
off cause i wanted to see if they can correct their mistake by them charging
what i asked to prior or for my to go and fill it back up before the time for
the car to be due in.

i was lied to by different people and the one that told me that there was no
problem which there was a problem cause they were not even going to try and help
or figure this out with me cause i wanted to ask the question before i was

WHO WILL LISTEN...I'll never do business with Hertz again.
BAD and Worsted Customer Service...
rex261 June 13, 2010
car reservations
my daughter had book a car online two weeks before a trip to Cooperstown NY where my grandson was to join his team play in once in a life time baseball trunament. his team had fund raised for over two years to be able to go.the night before the trip we went to pick up the car.only to told by the sales person (Chris), they had no cars.and the only said to us was "sorry"!! my family, friends will never rent a car from herzt again.

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