A-Drive in HP Pavillion failed about 8 months after purchase. HP phone routers in India confirmed that it was a warrantiable problem and took an hour of my time getting details for shipment of a replacement drive. This included obtaining my credit card info. I was told then (early December 2007) that a new drive would arrive before Christmas; then before New Years; then early January; then mid-January; then January 21; then February 6. Today is February 6. The HP web site tells me that they are sorry, but the part has not been shipped. Tomorrow, there will be a new date of shipment.
Each time I try to follow up on the matter, I end up talking to people at a "phone routing department" in India--and when I ask to be transferred to someone who can really help me, they transfer me to another idiot in the phone routing department. Incidentally, the persons at "phone routing" don't SAY that they are in "phone routing"; they speak as if they are technicians who understand my problem and can address it, but they really are only there to listen to complaints and tire one out. The HP warranty is empty, useless, frustration. Real technicians or warranty people are unreachable.
Don't buy HP if you expect ever to use the warranty.