Lowest quality, worst service experienced of any technology company. We purchased three HP Touchsmart Tm2t laptops for our business. Setting anything against them cracks or dents the outer "aluminum" casing. All three appear more heavily worn after four months than our prior 7 year old Dell laptops and 4 year old Mac laptops. These are very poorly made. Two of the Three laptops have material flaws in the software experiencing extended boot times and failing to find even the strongest of wireless networks. All three have required return for service in the first seven months of ownership.
Customer Service is a multi-hour ordeal and will end up in India with someone who is neither trained in anything related to technology nor HP's return processes. I was forced to explain three times HP's return process as they could not figure out how I received a box from HP with a Fed Ex tracking number that was not associated with the return of my laptop. Their promise of 6 business days to return my laptop is now pushed to nearly a month from the day they received my laptop.
The quality and service of HP is utterly unacceptable and rewarded with my warning to any who think to purchase their products.