Hewlett-Packard Canada

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Hewlett-Packard Canada Reviews

November 5, 2007
BBB CASE#: 1167126
Complaint filed by:
Consumer Info
NAME: Matthew Stanko
ADDRESS: 284-******* 4A4
Toronto, ON
EMAIL: matt
FAX: -

Complaint filed against:

NAME: Hewlett Packard
CONTACT: Mourad Essid
ADDRESS: 5150 Spectrum Way
Mississauga, ON L4W 5G1
PHONE: 905 206-4725
FAX: 905 206-4137
Website: --None--

Customers Response on Oct 31/2007:
Nov 2/07 - Business wrote through web: We have tried to work with Mr. Stanko on the issue of repairing his product.False. Sam has not done anything at any time this product has now failed over three times with three major hardware failure in less then six months.

I understand that there was wrong information exchanged with our Technical support people, but we were willing to work with the customer on his issue.- Every single time I contact HP I am provided with incorrect, wrong and totally prevent information. Sam are you really serious? I called in around 46 times and every time, every agent cannot provide any information. According to you the unit was being repaired, the same day it is with Fedex, the same day it was shipped on September 23, the next day it is now in CA. You cannot even provide correct details. not once was I ever provided with correct information. First you tell me the laptop is CA, then it is enroute, then we lost it, then we have no idea were it is, every call is the same, it takes 45 minutes and goes no were. The customer service portal that you provide does not ever update, that is part of the problem! I have apologized for any inconvenience to the customer and was willing to send the unit in to our repair center and have the unit repaired for the customer the UNIT WAS ALREADY SENT IN TWO DAYS BEFORE! IT IS UNDER WARRANTY FROM YOUR COMPANY. YOU ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING!

The customer was cursing and being very rude on the phone. - I have never with any customer agent or with one at any time used cursing language. I have a right to use forceful language, but I would never and have never been disrprectful. keep telling yourself that, to avoid dealing with the real issue is. The issue is your agents cannot and do not have correct information. This company's position is clear. We do not and will not assist any customers who have a valid complaint with our company if they become upset on the phone. What a complete insult. Get over yourself! When I pay over 1700 for a product and it fails three times with three major hardware failure you are right I will be pissed! But I will never use cursing language with anyone. Hint Sam- every call into your IVR is recorded!

We have not engaged with the customer since his calls to the head office.- A very sad position to be taking. I will never, ever purchase another HP product of any kind any time. You have not engaged becasue your postion is clear, we do not value our customers, We do not care, and your any sort of value to us.- Hint....... Your job is to serve me, in a respectable manner, and provide me with assistance when I require it in a proffesional manner. Completely disgusting beyond. Search on the BBB clearly shows that your compnay has a severe cumstomers service problem by the amount of unresolved complaints aghainst your company. Sam you respresent Your company in the manner of the service I have recivded to date. You need a new job, and your company needs a new direction. We as customers are not dependant on you. You are dependant on us the customers. That is how i handle my customers and how I train my reps on the phone.

Ann this could have been avoided if HP responded as such:

Mr Stanko,

We apologize for any delay in service. We apologize if our service support teams were not able to provide you, our customer with appropatie and timely information. We thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will be using this very important information that you have brought to out attention, to ensure that the situation that you have provided us with will not occur in the future. Again on behalf of HP Canada we apologize. As a token of faith, please accept a 90 day extended warranty. This warranty will be applied at the end of your current one.

Ann, that is all I was ever requesting, Since Sam cannot understand this, takes a very poor stand, by blaming the customer instead of simply taking ownership to correct this who by the way is the only reason he has a job at HP I have always instructed my agents who worked for me that they are not to tolerate an abusive caller. Once of which no matter how mad I get will never happen. A very sad situation that could have been avoided by a response such as the one I provided above. I cannot believe the arrogance of this company and most importantly Sam who represents this company. What a shameful end, something so easily fixed. An apology like above costs nothing! This will never be resolved. The real question now is is the 90 day warranty going be applied? I assume no.

Matthew Stanko

We will send once more and then there really is nothing further we can do. It will then close as unresolved and reported accordingly. You are then free to contact small
claims court, Consumer Business Services or obtain legal services.
Will let you know


Nov 2/07 - Business wrote through web: We have tried to work with Mr. Stanko on the issue of repairing his product. I understand that there was wrong information exchanged with our Technical support people, but we were willing to work with the customer on his issue. I have apologized for any inconvienance to the customer and was willing to send the unit in to our repair center and have the unit repaired for the customer. The customer was cursing and being very rude on the phone. We have not engaged with the customer since his calls to the head office.


Sam Hayre
HP Executive Customer Escalations

Yes the laptop was returned and repaired. The repair log that they sent was blank. Nothing was filled in, what a surprise!!!! and no one knows what was wrong with it. So we leave it at that. It works fine.
11/01/2007 Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business
11/01/2007 Received Consumer Rebuttal _________________________
Completely and totally false. I spoke with Sam, and he was completely uninterested in helping or providing any sort of assistance. He advised that he would contact me within 2 hours which he failed to do. I called the following day and all i ever got from HP was voice mail. As I stated before, I work in the same industry and handle escalation from customers when they occur. I would never and have never used any sort of abusive language with any of the personal. That statement alone is completely insulting. All calls at HP are recorded as a matter of fact. In fact no one EVER returned my calls or voicemails. Not one person including this Sam never returned or assisted me in any way. I even had my best friend call in and he went through the same thing! I did address that issue in my response. See below:

Again it is the inconsistent customer service from HP time and time again. I called yesterday afternoon and again was told the unit was shipped out and would be received today (0ct 19) provided with tracking number 1z05****by the agent. When I check the status on ups it says that the unit has not even been shipped. Then I am told that the unit could be sitting in California by one agent, do not know where the unit is by another agent, my unit has been shipped, has not been shipped, not sure where it is or what’s wrong with it , etc. This is completely unacceptable customer service. To say that I was rude and vulgar is an insult to me. I am not accepting 90 days extended warranty. I would like at least one year extended warranty or a full refund of the purchase price of my product. This all started this week Tuesday Oct 17th when I called in to get a status and was given four different answers, and passed back and forth over 45 minutes on one call, 50 minutes then next call by multiple departments. A few times the agent could not even locate my order, laptop, etc. You cannot seriously tell me that they run an operation over at hp? If they would update their status website then I might not have to call and we would not be here right now. That website has not been updated since the day they received my product. I deal with hp at the office and buy thousands of dollars of servers every year and the service is not any better.

Sam states that on Oct 18th my unit was being repaired. Interesting cause when I called it was with Fed Ex. A carrier that is only used in the USA.- FedEx by the way never had it, cause it was never shipped. The UPS numbers I was provide with went no were, they were not even valid. The one number the agent gave me was for when I shipped the unit to them! No one could tell me anything. Then i was told it was shipped on Sept 19th_ HINT that is when the LAPTOP BOX WAS SHIPPED TO ME!!!! IT WAS SENT IN OCT 13!!! and then it was lost. Then he states a 90 day warranty was applied. FALSE again, cause when i called it ends when the original warranty ended. This call was made on Oct 31. The agent Ispoke to said nothing has been applied. Nothing has been updated. Also he states that the warranty is being offered due to 'delay' This issue is NOT about delay. it is about the very poor customer service had on obtain simply information. That is this issue. Something he did not even address, or even apologize for. Not one person every called me back or even attempted to.

Anne Hart [email protected] wrote:

I assume then that you do have the computer back. They wrote to us stating they will extend the warranty for 90 days which should be sufficient confirmation but if you wish to pursue, you have that option.
You did not address however the comments they made of 'I spoke to the customer twice and my colleague as well, the customer was very rude and used vulgar language when we we're trying to address his situation.' Is this statement correct?

Anne Hart
Dispute Resolution Supervisor
BBB of Mid-Western & Central Ontario Inc.
[email protected]

10/19/2007 Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business
10/19/2007 Received Consumer Rebuttal ________________________________________

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
No. At no point did I use any sort of vulgar language with this person or any person at HP. This is the same agent who refused to contact me as promised on three separate occasions. This agent also promised to follow up with me the following day which also did not happen. His colleague also stated a return call and that he would contact me for assistance which also did not happen. How come your agents cannot locate this order F***-01? Why is that no one can provide any details on this status? WHy that is on Oct 18th your agent provided me with this tracking number? 1Z 059 50F ***** 6 ? This number is for when the unit was shipped in! I want a refund for the product.

SECOND ENTRY: Again it is the inconsistent customer service from HP time and time again. I called yesterday afternoon and again was told the unit was shipped out and would be received today (0ct 19) provided with tracking number 1z05****** by the agent. When I check the status on ups it says that the unit has not even been shipped. Then I am told that the unit could be sitting in California by one agent, do not know where the unit is by another agent, my unit has been shipped, has not been shipped, not sure where it is or what’s wrong with it, etc. This is completely unacceptable customer service. To say that I was rude and vulgar is an insult to me. I am not accepting 90 days extended warranty. I would like at least one year extended warranty or a full refund of the purchase price of my product. This all started this week Tuesday Oct 17th when I called in to get a status and was given four different answers, and passed back and forth over 45 minutes on one call, 50 minutes then next call by multiple departments. A few times the agent could not even locate my order, laptop, etc. You cannot seriously tell me that they run an operation over at hp? If they would update their status website then I might not have to call and we would not be here right now. That website has not been updated since the day they received my product. I deal with hp at the office and buy thousands of dollars of servers every year and the service is not any better.
10/18/2007 Forward Business response to Consumer
10/18/2007 Receive Business Response __________________

Hi Anne, The customers unit was received on October, 10th 2007 on order#F***-01. I spoke to the customer twice and my collegue as well, the customer was very rude and used vulgar language when we we're trying to address his sitiuation. Our service center is currently working on repairing his unit. He will also get an additional 90 day warranty for the wait period.


Sam Hayre
Executive Customer Relations Team
Hewlett Packard Canada
Email:[email protected]

Emailing to Sam Hayre as the consumer is very upset. Is to be repaired but now wants nothing to do with them and now wants his money back. Approx $1,400.00. He was offered a 1 year warranty but what is it they are warranting as he has no computer.

10/17/2007 Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business ______________________
Oct 18/07 - Consumer emailed: On Oct 19th I contacted the customer service center. I was transferred over 8 times and no one can tell me an update on case ****-6015. The call lasted over 45 minutes. The agents simply placed me on hold and transferred me around. To date no one knows or has any updates. The customer service order status page shows delivery date of 10/17, 2007.
**Consumer also called me to discuss. **

Oct 17/07 - Consumer place yet another entry through the web. As we already have submitted 3 consumer comments we cannot do so again.

Was provided with an escalation ticket 80*****. They advise me that a case manager will contact me in three days. We all know that won't happen. Left another voice mail for Mr Khan. As of 6pm EST he did not return any calls. My laptop is now not traceable and no one knows where it might be!

10/17/2007 Received Consumer Rebuttal ________________________________________

Again on Oct 17th I contacted HP Customer service for an update. The agent could not find this order number Order number:F***- 01 Could not tell were my laptop is. Cannot locate my address, or phone number. Tells me to contact fedex! Spent 25 minutes on the phone and know one can tell me the current status of repair. How is that none of my information on this page relates to anything! *****mber=F48010&ItemNumber=01&Zipcode=M6H4A4&country=Canada Since today is now that 17th the laptop is NOT been sent today! So were is it now? This just gets worse every time I call.

OMG! Now I get an email that states: HP Service Delay NotificationAvis de d鬡i dans le traitement de la demande de service HP Please be advised that we are currently experiencing some delays in fulfilling your service. We apologize for the delay; however, we are diligently working on expediting your order. If your service request is not fulfilled within 10 business days (2 weeks) of this notification, an HP representative will contact you to discuss an alternate solution. For shipment status updates and contact information, please visit the following link:https://******* e : CNF6483SXB I WILL NEVER EVER EVER BUY ANOTHER HP PRODUCT AGAIN! NOW IT IS DELAYED!? WHAT FOR!

10/16/2007 Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business BLTkit.cf.rtf
10/16/2007 Received Consumer Rebuttal
On Oct 16th at 1:35pm i called HP for a follow up to this order service page that shows that my laptop is being sent back to me on Oct 17th.https://warp1.external.hp.com/************** There is no tracking number so the laptop is not being sent out for that date! When i spoke to the rep on the phone he could not locate this order number Order number******* 01 How is this not linked to my account?! He then without asking places me on hold and never comes back he keeps asking for information that has been provided over 8 times already. WHO CARES WHAT THE OPS SYSTME IS! YOUR COMPANY HAS THE LAPTOP! WHY DIO YOU NEED TO KEEP ASKING ME THIS! I gave this guy the order number over 9 times and he still keeps asking for the model number!!!!!!!!!!!. So 13 minutes on hold and no answer? I call back again and was told that your systems are down and to call back later. This just gets worse! WERE MY LAPTOP! Why your agents can cannot even provide this BASIC INFORMATION! Do i need to be home and wait for it?
10/11/2007 Forward Consumer Rebuttal to Business
10/11/2007 Received Consumer Rebutta
One of the many case numbers I was provided with. 800******. This case number relates to my request to have a manager from HP head office contact me. Two weeks later no response. On Oct 07th faxed in a letter to 519-455-6479 I also sent an email to [email protected]. I have as of Oct 9th received no responses from anyone. I have at this time returned the laptop for repair. NO one can tell me anything at this point.

I have ongoing hardware failures with my laptop computer. After making a technical support call for assistance, the call was extremely difficult and upsetting. I had to repeat my customer information over 8 times and still the rep could not understand the correct billing and shipping information. She asked for my credit card and could not even get that information correct cause she kept coming back to me and adding that the billing information did not match. I was placed on hold for over 30 minutes at one point in the call. I provided another credit and finally after 38 minutes with this rep did the credit card go through for billing of the replacement part. The following day I received an email from HP stating that the new part will now be sent to the billing address which I stressed to the agent the day before was incorrect. It was to be billed to my house address not the credit card address. I called HP and the agent assured me that the correct address was on file. The UPS tracking information advised me that the part is now going to shipping address. I contacted UPS and had them send the part to my house address. This was now not possible since HP had spelled my name incorrectly. I contacted HP and requested that a manager contact me. 24 hours later no one called. Since that date I made over 36 calls to the corporate head office in Toronto. I spoke with the customer escalation team on three different times. All of them state that I need to return the laptop for repair AGAIN. My issue is with the beyond poor customer service from HP. Not one customer service agent can answer any simple question. They keep asking redundant questions, place me on hold, come back 20 minutes later and ask them again! I give them the case number, I spell it in the military alphabet, and they still cannot understand. The customer service portal never updates. My address is incorrect, the part number is wrong, the billing is wrong. No one ever calls back. Your executive team is the worst I have ever dealt with, completely rude and, could care less about the issue, and is rude and disinterested. I have sent a email to your escalation email address, sent in fax demanding to know what is going on, and I have also responded to your on line survey, which all was never responded to. All that want for your company is a simple apology for what has happened.

Not one of their commitments has been met. My concerns to their head office go unanswered. To date not one manager has called me back to apologize for the errors and issues that I have had to deal with. I did get one call from a Customer service agent who wanted some sort of fax, she left no contact number and no other information for me. She had no idea why my case was referred to her either. This is the worst customer service I have ever dealt with. I expected more from a major company such as HP. I have no other choice but to return this Laptop to HP for repair. This could have been avoided by a simple apology statement. There executive customer service team are rude, uninterested in customer service. I demanded a call from their customer service manager over 6 voice mails were left and not one were ever returned. This was the worst customer service I have ever dealt with, and I will not ever ever purchase another HP product again.

Customer Service Issues
I want an official apology from both the Mr Khan and the CEO of HP on why i was treated in the manner I was. This is beyond the worst customer service that i have ever dealt with. Keep in mind i work in the call center industry as an account manager. if anyone of my agents treated a customer as such, there would be serious issues. i have other choice but to return this garbage laptop for yet another repair. (Less)
10/05/2007 Inform Business of Complaint
10/05/2007 Send Acknowledgement to Consumer
10/05/2007 Complaint Validated by BBB Operator
10/05/2007 Complaint Received by BBB

Toronto, Ontario

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