I will never buy a product from HP again for the simple reason that I never want to have to RMA another one of their broken products. Sure everything breaks eventually but no company makes the return process more difficult.
Not only is it nearly impossible to find good contact information on their website. You will end up being transferred numerous times by people you either can't understand or can't understand you. Last time I called I was given false information from HP that I can just take my printer for repairs at Geeksquad at Bestbuy but BestBuy/Geeksquad wasn't honoring that arrangement.
Currently I am stuck in an endless loop because no one can find my case number. Most recently they transferred me to sales... I guess they're trying to say its faster just to buy a new printer than to attempt to have printer under warranty repaired.
How many times do you have to troubleshoot a printer before something is done? Can you not get my information from my telephone number? My small business has this capability. How can a tech company like HP lack this basic technology?
I've dealt with numerous other companies that make this process quick and painless.