So we have purchased many appliances and electronics fron HHGregg so decided to pick up a 61 in. Mitsubishi DLP when they were on sell. We ended up spending a little under 3000.00 and purchased the 3 YR ESP for the TV. Well this was purchased March 13, 2008 and today it went nutso and actually looked as though our TV was in Jail. We called he local HHGregg who said it wasn't a store problem and to contact Corp Service and warranty who then told us they would send someone out in a week.
A freaking week?? So my husband calls me to tell me whats going on so I call the store and spoke witht he manager and explained that we have been loyal customers, purchased the ESP for this TV which is LESS than a yr old and we should have a replacement if we are having to wait a week. She tells me only the corporate office cold issue "loaners" and to contact them before 4pm. This was at 3:40pm today. So I promptly caled and waited on hold till 4pm! I guess they were waiting to see if I'd hang up so they could go home for the weekend without dealing with me...wrong!
I was then told my TV wasn't old enough to have a loaner issued and that it was still under the manufactor warranty and the ESP issued by HHGregg wasnt in effect. Fine, then stand behind what you sale to your customer because we are FAR from happy about being without a TV for a week because thi 11month old piece of crap took a dump!
No go..she said it's not HHGregg's fault and they do stand behind their products, but apparently not!
I will NEVER again purchase another item from them and you should also think twice before buying anything there..unless of course you like crappy products with an even crappy service dept and customer relations dept!