Expressvu has charged me twice for what was advertised as a free High Definition dish and box installation. The installer and customer service told me I would be reimbersed with a $100 credit on my bill, instead I was charged twice. I have now been told to FAX my installation bill to Bell and have been promised it will be resolved. I don't trust this is true, do you? Below I have included the Fax coversheet I just sent to billing.
When I was out to send the fax to Bell, I spoke to three bell customers who have been scammed in the same way. Is this fraud?
February 17, 2009
Expressvu Billing Fax 1 866 216 5698
Attention Bell Expressvu
We are new high definition customers who were charged twice for the installation of what was promised to be free.
1. On Dec 13, 2008, an installer charged us $100 for what should have been a free installation. The installer assured us that we would be credited for the charge. Beins suspisous, I called customer service who promised us that the $100.00 would be credit on our next bill. Instead a $75 installation charge showed up on our next bill. See below
2. On our Jan 6, 2009 bill, another installation charge of $75.00 was added. This may, or may not have been corrected by costomer service representative employee EX15270. Please verify this has been corrected.
3. I have included our installation work order that shows the $100 charge.
A disatisfied Customer