Over ten years ago, my wife and I were given Lifetime Diamond VIP cards. This card allowed us maximum privileges in the Hilton Honors program. In October 2007 Hilton Corporation sent us an unsolicited Gold VIP card, which offers considerably less privileges than the lifetime diamond card. At the same time, we were told the seniors program was being discontinued and it would not be possible for us to maintain the Lifetime Diamond VIP cards.
Additionally, if the diamond card was linked to the senior program, I was never made aware of the fact and, in my mind, it is a discriminatory decision. In desperation, we wrote Joe Ducey, an investigative reporter of ABC in Phoenix, AZ and he kindly aired our perplexing situation. You will find his coverage at: http://www.abc15.com/content/news/investigators/consumeralerts/story/Lifetime-deals-not-always-what-theyre-cracked-up/d5bPj1hrh0Ojl4MJ7emRyQ.cspx
He, too, has never received a reply from Hilton.
I do not understand, nor does it make sense, that a lifetime membership can be revoked. To me, lifetime should by very definition be lifetime, unless they have a policy to discontinue giving cards to all seniors. We have phoned and written repeatedly to all corporate entities and we do not even receive a response.
It would be much appreciated if you could intercede on our behalf and request they reinstate our Lifetime Diamond VIP cards.