As of 9/14/10, I have not received any follow up from HIT (formerly Heritage Web Design) after I have paid them in FULL in April 2010. I initially provided all requirements, scope, contents, and examples. Their customer service Reps, Account Managers, and Designers appears to incompetent and sometimes rude. Please be very aware of their SCAM. They create an invoice then change after you have sign and agree to it. PLEASE BE VERY WARY OF THE TERMS OF SERVICE, WHICH FINDS WAYS TO TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH THEM NO DOING ANY WORK.
Can you believe that even after no response of my numerous attempts. They have Account Managers call to up-sale on their products which I have already purchased, with no responses. I blame myself for not doing my research, but they hide it well by changing their name. PLEASE contact me, I have documented my experience well with HIT (formerly Heritage Web Design).