I have read many complaints and attempts to justify this companies unethical business practices. It appears that the customer's and employees that have had a bad experience are the first to jump in and have their voices heard, which they are justified in doing so. When you have invested your time and hard earned money you have the right to voice your hatred and frustration in doing this type of business practice. I have to say that I am completely appalled that they are still in business and hurting consumers and employees, putting them in a hardship and not the company? They must be sitting pretty financially while their customer's and employee's are the ones taking the HIT for the company.
It appears that the company doesn't have a leg to stand on or they would attempt to defend their honor and their name. Or in the very least take some of this feedback and make changes to their business and business practices. I use the word business practice loosely here, I don't really see it as business practice.
It is not a business practice that I would use or even think about working for a company that uses it. Are any of these owner's available for customer's concerns? Or are they running and hiding for cover when it comes to the point where they need to pony up their product that was sold to their customers or time to pay their employees?
I am not sure whether to be angry that this is going on or have empathy for those that feel that they are stuck with this company. There is always another avenue to take you just might have to look a little deeper to find it!