Hobby Lobby
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Category: Services
Contact Information 1789 gallatin pk, Madison, Tennessee, United States
Phone number: 6156123509
Hobby Lobby Reviews
July 16, 2011
Framing Incompetence
framing department is incompetent. can't read a calendar. condescending to customers. lies about pick up dates. lies about work done. must learn from store manager, because he said the exact same lies to me. they gave me a date 3.5 weeks out for framing FIVE pictures. when i went to pick them up, they weren't ready. i was agitated. they couldn't give them back because they'd have to take them out of the frames AFTER they just told me FIVE minutes previously that they hadn't been touched. i went straight home and sent an email to HOBBYLOBBY.COM an hour later, i received a call from the manager that they were finished. REALLY ?! jesus would have been impressed. after 3+ weeks, they were miraculously done in ONE HOUR ?!!! ( i must question the quality, now...) the manager told me that they can be done at anytime on the day we give you. i said why did you tell me the 16th? if you tell me the 16th, they should be ready for me when you open the doors at 9 am. well, he told me, they're ready now. wow. enjoy looking at them in that uppity frame shop of yours :) since you are SO busy, you don't have time for me and obviously, DO NOT NEED ME as a customer...
June 4, 2011
Rude Racist Manager Cindy Wood
On June 2nd of 2011 I had made one of my many trips to Hobby Lobby., Like so many other women who does as much shopping as I. We don't keep up with the receipts. At Hobby Lobby I was treated like a criminal by their Manager Cindy Wood. She was so very rude and seem to be racist. I never pull the race card. I am a black woman and I am married to a white man and we have bi-racial children, but I know how it feels to be treated like the color of my skin makes me and down-right criminal. PEOPLE we are talking about the difference of about 4.00. I could not believe for the life of me why in God's name why this women would say that her cashiers do not make mistakes. I had purchased 2 picture frames, one had the glass and the other did not. I also did a lot of shopping on this day I may have spent close to 300.00. I was pretty sure that both of the frames had the glass, but they did not. I returned to the store a few days later, when I was told by Cindy Woods the store manager that basically I was a liar. She threw her hands up in the air-as to say oh well. For this to be a christian store, from what I can see their employees aren't!!! I thought you should treat people as you would like to be treated. In customer service I have also learned that you need to hear the customer out and address their issues to the best of your ability. Hobby Lobby need to train thier managers!!! This is not to say that just because you have worked at a company for years, that you have the ability, education, background and skill to be a manager. Clearly CINDY WOODS skill level is VERY LOW. Educational background, I won't even go their, but for her to tell me that she doesn't have a manager and that, that was her store. I just wanted to laugh!!! My husband is a GM at a very popular restraunt and he would never tell any customer that he does not have a manager and that, the restraunt was his. WHAT A JOKE!!! SHE NEEDS TRAINING ASAP!!!
June 3, 2011
Framing is a joke
I went to a Hobby Lobby store in far north San Antonio to have a pair of canves paintings stretched recently. I was told that the order would take two weeks, which I didn't mind, but when two weeks had passed, then three weeks, I went back to the store to inquire as to the status of my order.
I was told that not all of the framing employees were knowledgable in stretching canvases, and the ones who were had not been able to get to them yet. They told me that it would take one more week. I received a call ten days leter saying that my paintings were ready. When I went to pick them up, they were stretched extremely crooked, and the canvases were sagging in the middle. I was very disapointed.
I asked to speak with a manager about this, and all I got out of him was that they would be happy to redo them, and that it would take two more weeks. I didn't have a good feeling about this, but thinking that I had no other solution, I left them there to be fixed.
When I went back two weeks later, I found that the back and sides of my paintings were filled with tiny rips and tears from where the staples were removed. And there were several large cracks in the paint on the front of both pictures that are not repairable.
I was then told by the manager that I could file a claim for the damage to the paintings, but to keep in mind that if Hobby Lobby chooses to pay for the damages, the company will then assume ownership of the paintings (I WOULD NOT GET MY PAINTINGS BACK!). I decided to file the claim, and talk with the corporate office about it. They did indeed say that they would pay the claim, but that I would NOT get me artwork back!!
When I declined that offer, I went back to the store to pick up my badly damaged paintings, and spoke with the manager one more time. He made it seem like I was trying to scam the company, then as a capper, he told me that I should understand that Hobby Lobby is an "affordable alternative" to much higher-priced custom framing boutiques, and that I probably wouldn't have had these problems if I didn't try to cut corners.
I will never, ever do business with this company again!!
April 7, 2011
What kind of a store won't let you do a return if you discover the item you bought is not exactly what you wanted? I located something close enough to what I have been wanting at Hobby Lobby (since I was unable to find it locally). I seriously considered purchasing it until (very wisely) I read their online returns rules: Absolutely NO returns for anything purchased online. Really? Michael's and JoAnn's have no problem with returns, nor does any other store I deal with. I have NEVER had a problem with returning an item I've bought online, and I have shopped through the internet for years, both for myself and others. You can't always guarantee you will like a product bought online until you actually see it, so once in a while may have to return something. It appears as if these people just want your money and refuse to part with any once they have it. Greedy, aren't they? I think I will continue to do business with companies that actually value me as a customer and keep right on passing these idiots by...
February 11, 2011
Employee and manager humiliated me and my 3yr old son
Ms. Sue, an employee at hobby lobby #126 in Houston Tx ignored my question "Can you help me?" but she went ahead and took my fabric. I asked her how many feet are in a yard, she said "This is a yard." I said "but how many ft are in a yard?" she said "this is a yard." I said "are you in a bad mood?" she said, "I WOULDN'T GO ANY FURTHER IF I WAS YOU", I was like "excuse me?" "Cause then you will get me in a bad mood." To make the long story short, the manager Jay ATTAR was a bigger *** when he allowed this woman to keep insulting me in front of him and said "Do you want to keep arguing for 30 min? cause we can do that. I just want you to go on with your KID (talk about simpathy) to your busy life, cause Im assuming you have a busy life, I know I do and I want to go on with it." I had to walk out of the store with my son in tears because I refused to purchase his dinasour toy from them.
September 21, 2010
Will Not Exchange Products
I had recently purchased three picture frames from my local Hobby Lobby store since they were having a great sale. I stacked the picture frames onto the cart and proceeded to checkout. I loaded the frames into the back seat of my truck and even placed towels between each fram so they would not scratch each other during transports. When I got home I noticed one frame had a crack on the glass. I took the frame back to the store asking if I could even exchange the frame for another one. I was told by Cynthia, the manager, that I should have noticed the frame had a crack in it and she could not exchange it because it was my fault for not seeing the problem to begin with and she also added she does not know when I purchased the frame (I lost the receipt in my truck). After leaving the store I searched my truck for the receipt which I did find and took back to Cynthia. I was agin told that she could not return the frame because again, it was my fault that I did not notice it to begin with.
July 26, 2010
Worst experience ever
Recently my friends and I were shopping at the New Braunfels, TX Hobby Lobby. We noticed that there were many items in the 80% off section, which was just two aisles in the back of the store (funny they don't advertise that), and found that many of the items that we almost paid for at the front of the store were also in the 80% off section. Of course, none of the items had price tags reflecting the discounted price. We were very frustrated because the store was trying to charge us full price or 1/2 off for some items when the exact same item was in the back of the store for 80% off or Clearance! When we asked the worker (manager's wife) how to tell the difference, she did not know and accused us of trying to get items for 80% off! She was extremely rude and told us to put the items down and get out of the store before she called the police! Unreal. Never going back.
June 24, 2010
Rude employees
Some friends and I went to our local Hobby Lobby store in Cartersville, Ga. We brought our children along to pick out a craft. Apparently, they dont like it when your an outgoing, friendly type pf person. I'm guessing because they are so miserable with them selfs and hate others that are happy! As everyone who seems to work there is so very rude!
We were asked to leave because we were having fun. Yes, you heard that right. Although we were controlled and respectful to others while having fun.
We were treated with such disrespect from an employee, who followed us around, making sure that we did leave. The poor kids were confused, as this lady was trying to embarrass us in front of other customers. We couldnt believe what was happening. Expecially, when I spent over $200.00 in that store a week before that! This was not the first time we had problems with employees. When you do need one they are always talking with there co workers and have an attudite when you do need there help. Then they dont know anything about the product they are selling. I dont think I have ever been greeted with a smile from anyone working there, or a "Can I help you with anything" and I use to go there weekly. They dont like it when your shopping an they are putting things out. And you get in there way.
On top of all that I believe the worst for me is, that they DO NOT give towards the community. I reached out to them asking if they could help out with donations for foster children and was told they dont donate. Oh, but aren't they a christian company! Yeh they hide behide that one!
Women we have to STOP giving to companys that dont care anything about giving back! They have the means to help but are way to shelfish too. It seems that MONEY is all thats on there mind. They should be ashamed of what they are.
I just can't see myself walking into another Hobby Lobby again. And feeling good about myself.
I'm a interior consulant and would spend a great deal of time there along with money. I refuse to give them another penny of mine or anyone elses money. I have complained and complained and they truly dont care ! They have lost a great customer in me. As they need to wise up and make major changes within there company!
May 25, 2010
I was a victim of hobby lobby employees
I was a victim of hobby lobby employees too!!! On dec. 10-2009 i was on hobby lobby on Denver (7000 w. Alameda Ave) IT IS A NEW STORE, and i was trying to make and EXCHANGE, but the stupid cashier gave me a ticket of REFUND and she told me: go to the store, take your merchandise and came back whit this ticket, is valid like cash. I was on the store walking arroun and i saw A FUCK BLACK OF SHIT follow me on the store, but i didn't take care of it because i was focus looking for my merchandise. When i was with other cashier explained about the ticket, the black man show me a plate and told me "you are under arrest" I was asking why and, but he didn't answer. We went to an small room, checked all my body and asked me if i had a knife, gun, etc. Then, he put the brazalets and pushed me to a chair (I NEVER USE RESISTANCE). Then, entered to the room the RACIST MANAGER and was asking me how i offten the ticket, my english is poor, but i explained her perfectly what happened, and i told her: You have to ask what happen to the cashier who gave me that ticket, but she refused, saying : she is left, went to home, The STUPID SECURITY was callig to the police, acussing me of trying to make a fraud, trying to change the ticket for cash and using a false ID (my ID is a drivers license for Mexico, but is NOT FALSE). I was beging to the manager: you have to talk to the cashier. and she, verry arrogant told me: let me try, but is obviously, we have the proofs, you want to make a fraud. The black security was subsracting all my stuff of my wallet, and asking stupid questions like: are you legal on this coutry, who is this guy on this picture is your complice? and after the stupid interrogatory, the SHIT MANAGER entered to the room saying: NO, NO, NO, WAS THE FAULT OF THE CASHIER, SHE IS WRONG ABOUT OUR POLICES OF REFUND AND EXCHANGES!!! I never hear an IM SORRY, or something like that. Of course, I put a complaint, AND JUST YESTERDAY I RECEIVED A LETTER WHERE SAY: "DEAR MONICA, WE WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE FOR THE PROBLEM YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED IN OUR STORES, WE ARE TAKINGMEASURES TO PREVENT THIS SITUATION FROM HAPPENING INTHE FUTURE. ENCLOSE, YOU WILL FIND A 50 DLLS GIFT CARD FOR ANY INCONVINIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED YOU. Are they thinking, whit a gift card i'm going to forget my experience on that store?OF COURSE NOT!!!AND FOR YOU, SHIT MANAGER AND SECURITY, GO TO DRAG TO THE SHIT!!!
May 7, 2010
Doesn't care about customers
I had ordered a stretcher frame over a year ago from Hobby Lobby. I did forget about it which was my fault entirely. I was in the middle of a pregnancy and moving when we originally dropped the pieces off and things became hectic. My husband and I went in to pick up the art work which was put on wood stretchers totalling approx. $120. We paid and realized that it looked off. The framer (Mike) had advised us that an additional frame on the outside of the canvas along with glass would look good. We took the frame to the back and requested this additional work.
When I returned to pick it up Kim (an excellent employee) recognized me (since I had been there on numerous occassions) and referred to another frame that I had purchased prior to this occassion which consisted of an autographed CD cover.
When I took the frame to the front, The total I was being charged was over $265. As the cashier was ringing me up, I noticed there was a problem. I was being charged for the initial stretcher once again. I advised her of the issue and she immediatly contacted the Assistant Store Manager, Brenda who made me feel as if I was being interrogated, had no discrepancy, and suggested right away that if I were to have paid for the frame that an extra white document would not be attatched to the work (the thought never occurred that they might have not removed it properly) and asked for the original receipt for part one of the work which was over a year old. She advised me that without the original receipt nothing could be done. I asked for the corporate number.
I contacted the credit card company who could not provide me with statements online over a year old unless I paid for a paper statement to be sent.
I then contacted corporate only to speak with a customer service representative named Cheri who spoke above me and faster everytime I tried to respond to her as she was going through her rebuttles. I advised her on the 3rd occassion during our conversation to please refrain from doing that as I found it extremely rude and she then told me it was because I was "interrupting" her!
I suggested the possibility of getting the credit card to send them an image of the receipt as a possibility as even if I did have the receipt, it would most likely be faded by now. Also, I was dealing with a store I thought I could trust. Both, my husband and myself have gotten our degrees framed there (MBA & BA each) along with several other works. Cheri's response was that she kept her receipts "quiet a while" and if put in file folders she knew first-hand they would "last at least 4 years."
I then suggested to Cheri that I would like to make sure I had my work returned to me as it was purchased in the Dominican Republic as a souvenir. She called the store and said she made the arrangement to have the frame removed.
I asked to speak to her supervisor. His name was Joel. He was very courteous and said I could send documentation to him. However, as I needed the frames today (gift) this was not very helpful to me. This would maybe get me a refund, but I would need to spend more money for statements and additional time on this issue when I really want nothing more to do with Hobby Lobby. My time is more valuable.
In the end, I called the store to see if this work was ready to be picked up when I was 5 minutes away. I was told that it was and when I went in, I was handed the frames once more. I advised that I was not paying for the additional work. Another framing department employee walked by who seemed to know what was going on and told the framer to remove the frames. This took about 20 minutes. I was then handed frameless work without the stretchers that I had previously paid for.
Both my mother and my grandmother whom until this day were loyal customers with the school district and members of local church organizations never experienced such awful service. Also, I've done mystery shopping for several other companies, provided with a problomatic scenerio and never once have I been treated so poorly or spoken down to in front of others at a store.
It's really a shame that Hobby Lobby doesn't have more competition other than Michael's in our area. Maybe they would care more about their customers if they did.
I will be forwarding this information and my family has also agreed to spread the word. Hobby Lobby accomplished throwing away my time, custom frame work, and their employees time not to mention several loyal customers.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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