I filed for bankruptcy in early 2009 as a chapter 13. My lender, Home Eq raised my payment to $2500 a month after I had been making all my payment and even late fees for two payments they said were late. During the Chapter 13 I was place on 100% disability, which changed my bankruptcy to a Chapter 7. I paid all payments in accordance to the banktuptcy and even over paid the monthly payments. In the middle on 2010, my bankruptcy was discharged and less than a month after the discharge I have recieved no less than eight letters stating I am in default. They go on to say I will be sent to foreclosure if I dont bring the account current. Home Eq originally stated they would do a loan modification but required the bankruptcy to be discharged. Well now they wont do a loan modification, they say thier investor doesnt participate in HAMP but they recieve federal funds for saying they participate. (And yes they are required to report if they participate but I have yet to hear of anyone actually getting a loan modification with Home Eq.) Home Eq stated they have their own affordability program but because I have a surplus of $22 in my monthly budget I do not qualify for this program. After many long hours on the phone and several days trying to get this sorted out there are several problems I found...
1. They state my monthly payment is $851 but require me to pay $1073 but for any of thier modification programs will only use the $851 figure.
2. They participate with a government program to provide home loan modifications but refuse to actually provide the program to customers.
3. I was only four payments behind at the begining of my bankruptcy and now they state I am eight payment behind even though I can prove all payments were made, overpayments were made and even taxes were refunded to them.
4. They refuse to even talk with me on the phone any more requesting that I either fax in my request or mail it in and if my lawyer contacts them they must have the third party authorization in hand and fax it to them each time because they "dont show any third party authorization on file."
5. The customer service representative are not willing to work with you and have no standard or policy of what they should or can do with accounts. This was proven by my lawyer who if they call and gets a representative with an attitude can hang up, call back and get information from a different representative also get different answers from one person to the next.
6. I have recieved no less then eight letters for foreclosure and requesting back due payments but all the letters have differnt due dates and amounts. If you call for the amounts or dates you recieve a range of dates from 30 days to 120 and amounts from that dont match any of the letters.
As a warning this company is crap, they will feed any line they want to so they can get money and dont care about the people they are supposed to be servicing. If you have family, friends or even enemies get them away from this company. And to those who say it was my fault, I had good credit (FICO score 705) and a good paying job, but due to military service I was disabled. Payments became LATE (not missed) only after Home Eq changed my monthly payment to $2500 and they were the only ones that were late. They became missed when Home Eq refused to assist me with the account or provide explaination for the change. I was then forced to file bankruptcy to avoid foreclosure, during which I was placed on 100% disability with unemployable status. I have copies of all (yes from the very first payment to the payment I did this month) payments and Home Eq has yet to provide an acoount statement to show where and why payments changed. The late payments were made up and the lates fees also, yet I am still behind. You tell me, is the company fair or a fraud that steals peoples money and destroys families?? I will go with the second.