This is a huge scam. Do not be suckered in by these "people"!
The scam works like this. They contact you, tell you your eligible for a loan modification and convince you that it's in your best interest to apply for a loan modification through them, rather than applying by yourself. They claim that as a homeowner you will be less likely to obtain a modification than a law firm since your lender will be losing money. They also claim that you will be on the phone continually with the lender as paperwork is pushed through. They get you to sign the contract - I've seen all sorts of fees posted. They wanted $4500.00 from me up front. I didn't pay that much, but still a hefty amount. They tell you that there is no risk. If they are not able to obtain a favorable modification you will be refunded your money.The contract states that you will receive a refund unless your paperwork isn't submitted on time (something the sales rep made sure to tell me...). They require you to send all paperwork to them, where it's "doctored" and sent to your lender (or so they say). Meanwhile, your credit is thoroughly screwed up as you embark on the "Trial Modification period as required by your lender, leaving you with absolutely no possible solutions for refinancing, etc!
The scam - they don't send your paperwork to your lender. They therefore have an "out" when you get a denial letter from your lender.
David Ruyle and all associates that work for him are shameless. Taking money from good people who are dealing with great hardships. Only to create one more hardship and steal their money!
Once you request a refund, don't expect to hear from anyone at Home Legal Source. Worst financial decision of my life...