Sylvia Frazier
September 28, 2010
I can't find out about R.E.F.U.N.D.
I am NOT getting a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e. receiving a deposit refund given to AT&T TWO months ago which was for a landline in my home. After researching, to my wit's end, why nothing was being done, I was told there was no job order and nothing could be found regarding my deposit. I, THEN, had to produce financial records provong to them that they did, in fact, debit my card. After PROVING this, AT&T, suddenly, COULD locate a job order! Needless to say, at this point, I O.N.L.Y. wanted MY money returned to me. The ONLY way, I was told, was via check through the U.S. Postal Service and to allow 7-14 days for rec eipt. Now, I would venture to ask, "what would YOU do if you had not received YOUR money back in the announced time frame?" Oh, call again, you say? Begs this question, "How many phone calls would YOU make and to how many DIFFERENT AT&T phone numbers along with repeating your STORY e.a.c.h. and e.v.e.r.y. time?" I believe I reached MY L.I.M.I.T. at 12, wherein I asked, "What do I need to do in order to get MY money back? Go to the local AT&T store and shoot someone?" OMG-f.i.n.a.l.l.y. SOME SORT of reaction, followed only by another number to dial!! At this point a.l.l. I could muster was, "you have my name, social security number, phone number, address and I await any call put upon me by an officer in regards to this matter. Also, I would love to see a news crew accompany this said officer." Next step? Ballis decidely in my court. Please advise, Sylvia Frazier at 10483 Hughes Lane in 70706.