This company is an out and out fraud. I worked for them since Oct of lasy year and began submitting business at the same time. They stated they would pay comissions withint 5 days of the date the case was decided and the client paid the fee. They also stated they had never lost a home to foreclosure. <br />
To date they have not paid a dime to anyone in the field or the managers above them, they have been responsible for 1 client of mine losing 1 property to foreclosure due to not following through on promises made to the client .<br />
Mr. Jess Limm the owner has had the attorney that is filing a class action law suit stet that payment would be made by March 1st on their last propaganda broadcast, and once again this is nothing more then a stall tactic to forego paying anyone anything.<br />
If you have clients that are waiting for help through this company and have paid I would suggest to find other means of assistance, and move your clients elsewhere as this company is a fraud.