I was of 0ut of work during hurricane Ike; I contacted Homeq Servicing and notified my work was closed due to the hurricane and when I will make payment. I called in the November the first Monday and let them know I am back at work and will pay on the fiftenth; well they rushed me to foreclosure on the tenth of the same month. hyes I was pissed and then accessed over $7, 000.00 in unknown fees evry since I had them its been nothing but lies, games, schemes and whatever else. I applied for the HAMP program to try get affordable note to keep my house and there is another excuse. To be honest and what I hear from the consumers; to me its a joke, the mortgage companies rather take a house not caring about the money consumers have paid into their home and sell it for less to a new buyer instead of trying to help americans keep their home. To me american are being treated like third world country, just existing.
Yes I said it!