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HomEQ Reviews

Ralf March 24, 2009
Unauthorized charges
This company has continued to raise the interest rate on the house knowing that my husband has not had a lot of work... I have been at my job for 1 year and 3 months and still am making $7.50.. They knowing all of this and keep moving up so that we are unable to make the payments... We are 4 months behind and the house needs major repair.. built in 1946 and built of adobe... It has been very poorly maintained and is falling apart at the walls... We have taken pics. of most of the repairs... They called my husband the other day and he told them he just started a part time job.. They say, ' This is all something you should have planned for when you got the house... ' They also laughed at him... LITERALLY LAUGHED at him... and told us to do a quick sale.. NOT what we want to do..!!! Hopefully I will get some pics. to put in here!!! And you tell me you would pay 750.00 for a house of approx. 950 sq ft. and in poor repair.. also the value put on the house was 73, 000.00 more or less!!
Carol Peterson March 4, 2009
Broken Laws
Feb 19 – After 2 weeks of phone conversations with HomEq and myself and my husband, they offer a repayment plan to my husband, which my husband agrees to, based on our planned/hoped for future earnings (we are both unemployed) – and states that before he makes a payment, they must send the agreement in writing so he can review it. They asked for my checking account information, but did not state why, and he assumed it was necessary information for the agreement. We were very clear with HomEq about this: We are both unemployed. I receive $400 a week after reviewal of my case (I pick up temporary work when I can), and my husband was going to California to pick up side work until he could get on a crew in Washington, which would probably happen in April. We were very upfront about our situation.

We get 3 more phone calls demanding payment from HomEq.

Feb 27 – We receive in the mail, a notice that HomEq intends to debit my checking account $1600 on March 4. I call and attempt to explain that they are not authorized to do this, they argue (as usual) and do not let me finish my sentences (as usual). I tell them that prior to any payment being made, we required a copy of the agreement in writing – and no such written anything has arrived. I tell them if they attempt to take the money without my authorization I will report the money as stolen to the bank. I ask to hear the phone conversation with my husband. They refuse. I hang up- because the woman is impossible. Call my husband and verify what he told me.

Mar 2 – I receive the written agreement in the mail. It is dated February 19. My husband mails the first payment to them, via cashier’s check, according to the instructions he has and the address he was given. The first payment is due Friday March 6.

Mar 3 – I receive a notice from a legal firm in Burnsville that the house has gone into foreclosure. I call my husband. I call HomEq and am told that the referral went to the Lawyer on February 19 and it takes sometimes several weeks to rescind. The clerk is a jerk anyway. He can’t tell me how it is that we made an agreement on the 19th, and the letter from the lawyer is dated February 28. He assures me that we are not in foreclosure, that the rescind had been sent and will be corrected.

My husband calls HomEq and is told that I cancelled the payment plan (not) and that is why the referral was sent to the lawyer. He is also told that they don't need my authorization to debit our bank account, because he gave them the account number it is assumed that they will be debiting the account. He points out that the due date was the 6th, not the 4th, as stated in the debit notice. The clerk refuses to tell him anything else because he is not on the mortgage (why did he sign papers?). This is a violation of Minnesota law.

I call the lawyer and am told that they received the referral on Thursday, February 26. This was the day before I called to tell them they couldn’t steal my money --- and a full week after he verbally made the repayment agreement. Also, several days prior to getting the written agreement as requested. The lawyer puts me on hold, checks the file and tells me that the rescind has been received, to ignore the letter.

My husband gets my social and calls HomEq – the woman tells him that the foreclosure will go through unless they receive payment. She tells him that the postal date on the envelope doesn’t matter – if the money is not there on Friday, the lawyer will proceed. She also tells him that she can not discuss the account with him because he is not on the agreement (he made the agreement, not me).

Mar 4 – I attempt to call at 7:20am (PST=5:20am), their letter states their hours as 5am to 9pm PT. The phone message says they are closed, hours at 6am to 6pm. I want to tell them they are in violation of Minnesota law (refusing to deal with my husband) and that they need to get their story straight. I also want to tell them that I have verified with my bank that they can not take money from our account, whether we gave them the number or not, without authorization. They must ask us clearly: Will you authorize a payment by debit from account ####, and we must clearly state yes.

First of all – it is unbelievable that every single time we call we get a different clerk. We have to repeat ourselves over and over and over again. Several times a day.

Secondly, they are not well trained. AmeriQuest pulled these same tactics (refusing to speak with me) – and I believe it is a violation in Minnesota for them to refuse to speak with the spouse.

Thirdly, they don’t seem to keep records of the conversations they have – and they change their stories often (all the time). I do not believe they record conversations at all. That is just a scare tactic, as are many of the things they say.

4th - I only learned last year that HomEq was a servicer - but I was not told until recently who actually held my mortagage. It is not stated anywhere in my papers (Barclay).

5th - Last fall, they were calling daily - demanding personal information from me - such as, why aren't you working, how come you aren't getting assistance (one clerk called me a liar when I told her I was turned down), told me to contact United Way (did, they didn't help) and HUD (did 3x they didn't help either). I told them the same thing every time - you aren't entitled to this information, quit asking. When I get a job, you'll be the first to know because I"ll make a payment just to get you off my back.

I did file a complaint with the Attorney General regarding the debit - but I have no faith that will go anywhere, they actually messed up on the penalties issue - and made it worse.

I can not believe someone doesn't have a class action lawsuit against this company. They are they absolute worst I have ever had to deal with in my life. I am amazed that someone hasn't gone after them before now.
Anna March 3, 2009
Fraudsters and cheaters
I am the Cheif underwriter and a principle in a loan modification company; Marsh Robert Group(Marsh Robert.com) I personally prepared and submitted a loan modification request for a family in Arizona. They would have been prime candidates for any lenders modification critera. The household lost significant income in the economic downturn when one of two employment contracts were cut.

The father goes out and finds a job teaching special needs kids. He continues in his original employment contract remaining and continues running his part time business. He still is making much less than he was when he bought his house and has fallen behind in his payments to HomEq at this point. He calls them several times to hear 'you do not qualify for a modification' he keeps calling until a lady says, 'well, with three jobs, surely you can get more hours at one of them and catch up.'

That's when he gives up and calls us. We jump through all the hoops of asking about where and how to prepare his modification package to their standards and where to send it. After the usual few calls of 'we don't have it' and then 'we show we have a package but it is not yet accessible', I talk to a lady. It is soon obvious that I am talking to the same one my Client had given up on!! She was quite proud that she had told him he did not qualify and it was all his fault because when someone else told him he did, he wouldn't call her back for her to review his file again.

Explanations from me like, 'Maam, he was feeling overwhelmed, you had not helped him in the past, and we were preparing a professional package for him during that time to clearly show he was a worthy viable candidate' were dismissed out of hand as he had not given her the respect she deserved by immediately calling her when she told him to. It went down hill from there!

No understanding, no criteria, no logic just no! ...and then the HomEq websites accuse loan mod people of scams... These guys are only a servicer! They have a fiduciary duty to their investors that requires modifications in this economic climate. Class action anyone???
Spragling March 2, 2009
setting payments too high
I have a complaint against the way Homeq handled loan modifications, foreclosure and repayment plans. In September of 2008 I paid Homeq $14, 000 in an efford to keep my home from foreclosure. I was forced to sign a document 2 days before the foreclosure in an effort to keep my house off the market. The payment plan was impossible for me to maintain because I am unemployed and was only receiving unemployment at the time. I did have other income from my late husband's pension but it was not enough to make the $2600 monthly payment requested by Homeq. I told them it was impossible to make. Homeq in turn told me either to sign or my house will be sold in foreclosure. I signed the paper and made one payment in November 2008. In December I put my home on the market and it did not sell. On February 9, 2009, Homeq called me and requested $6, 200 and they would allow me to modify my loan. My monthly payment would then be 1500 per month. The problem is I did not have the $6, 200 to keep my house from being auctioned off. My house was put up for auction on February 25, 2009. No one purchased it.

Am I allowed to purchase my home back? Did Homeq handle my account correctly? I asked if I could have the sale date moved back in an effort to allow me to raise the money needed to stop the foreclosure. I would really like to repurchase my home. I am not working at the present time but am actively looking for work.
WNathan67 February 28, 2009
jct February 28, 2009
Customer service jerks
I have had the unfortunate experience of talking to "customer service" at HomeQ. Over the years it has become obvious that they train their people to treat us with no respect.
I had fallen a month behind. I called to work out a re-payment plan to catch up. I had to go through a list of income and expenses. The entire time comments were made that I needed to eliminate cable tv, reduce my phone expense, reduce my office expenses, etc. The final blow came when he said that maybe I wouldn't be behind if I made my wife find a job to bring in the extra money. He said it was obvious that I needed help getting my finances in order.
The saddest thing was, that after I started to yell at him, he said that I wasn't showing HIM prpoer respect. All of a sudden I have some 23 year old punk in a cubicle giving me financial advice and demanding respect. This attitude was not unique. I agree with a previous post that suggests this is a corporate policy to treat us in this manner. This behavior is obviouslt ecouraged and rewarded.
Bettsy February 18, 2009
Fraudulent activity
I am the Cheif underwriter and a principle in a loan modification company; Marsh Robert Group(Marsh Robert.com) I personally prepared and submitted a loan modification request for a family in Arizona. They would have been prime candidates for any lenders modification criteria. The household lost significant income in the economic downturn when one of two employment contracts were cut.

The father goes out and finds a job teaching special needs kids. He continues in his original employment contract remaining and continues running his part time business. He still is making much less than he was when he bought his house and has fallen behind in his payments to HomEq at this point. He calls them several times to hear 'you do not qualify for a modification' he keeps calling until a lady says, 'well, with three jobs, surely you can get more hours at one of them and catch up.'

That's when he gives up and calls us. We jump through all the hoops of asking about where and how to prepare his modification package to their standards and where to send it. After the usual few calls of 'we don't have it' and then 'we show we have a package but it is not yet accessible', I talk to a lady. It is soon obvious that I am talking to the same one my Client had given up on!! She was quite proud that she had told him he did not qualify and it was all his fault because when someone else told him he did, he wouldn't call her back for her to review his file again.

Explanations from me like, 'Maam, he was feeling overwhelmed, you had not helped him in the past, and we were preparing a professional package for him during that time to clearly show he was a worthy viable candidate' were dismissed out of hand as he had not given her the respect she deserved by immediately calling her when she told him to. It went down hill from there!

No understanding, no criteria, no logic just no! ...and then the HomEq websites accuse loan mod people of scams... These guys are only a servicer! They have a fiduciary duty to their investors that requires modifications in this economic climate. Class action anyone???
Johanna January 22, 2009
Worst morgage company
This morgage company does not care about people or anything else but getting their money. I'm starting to think that they don't even care about their clients because I know that they have to be lossing money by forclousing all this houses. I know that nobody wins in a forcloesure but they still are not trying to work with people who i'm sure would be glad to make payments if they would just work with them. I have been paying $1700 for the morgage which is hard enought for me to make since I no longer live in the property and haven't been able to rent it for that amount and they just sent me a letter saying that is going to go up next month. I have already talk to them and even sent them a letter letting them know that my interest is too high and that i'm not able to make those high payments and all they did was sen me a letter back saying that they are going to work on my case in the order that it was receive which probably means never.
Adam January 15, 2009
Bad service
Multiple classes of investors, each with different claims on the same mortgage, often have conflicting interests. Some will do better with a loan foreclosure while others would profit by keeping the loan performing. Some contracts setting up these pool pay loan “servicers” — the companies that manage mortgage payments to investors — more generous payments for loans in foreclosure and offer little financial incentive to undertake the more costly process of modifying terms.

Homeq wants you to foreclose, that’s how they make their money. I would wonder why they didn’t want to help me. I mean I knew something was up when they kept on suggesting short sale, and for me to give up on my house. All these sayings will apply to you Homeq Servicing and the people who do your bidding. Homeq you will reap what you sow, Homeq what goes around comes around, Homeq every dog has it’s day. Homeq you pray on people’s misery and it will catch up with you and the people that work for you.
Rodney January 7, 2009
Awful company
I waited over fourtyfive days for the insurance company to get the report of the damage that Gustov done to my home. The claims checks was made out to me and HomEq mortgage. HomEq instructed me to sign the checks and mail the checks along with postage paid addressed envelopes. HomEq sent a package of forms to fill out by me and my roofing contractor. I did as instructed. All of the inside damage, I had repaired while waiting on the insurance company to pay off (Using My Savings), I had a roofing company on standby and as soon as the insurance company checks arrived I had the roofers on the roof replacing it. it took 42 squares. cost $11, 000; the mortgage company told me that they was going send the repair money to me 1/3 at a time. this broke down to a little over $8, 000 per-check. Now these checks as I was told was to be sent out, first to get repairs started, then 50% complete and the last at 95 to 100%. I told HomEq that the inside was finished and when the roof was replaced the repairs would be complete. Now HomEq sent out a inspector to survey the repairs he said that all looked good. the inspector rated the repairs at 95% complete.The fence that runs across the back had damage, I had righted the post but did not line it up or replace two or three boards as I was pulling up flooring and laying ceramic tile and repairing drywall and painting.They now tell me that I must have the fence repaired before they send any more money.

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