Hometown Telecom, FreeCallPlanet, India LD, Aussie Call are scam compaines and operated by just one person..
In there adverts " You May Use IP or Soft Phones To Call.
You May Dial Anonymously." This is completely a scam..it does not work...
In there site, they claimed that you can call from softfone or Ip phone to any of their access numbers...when i did with rynga dialer the call failed...
they have tokyo access number, when you call to that number your cell fone company bills u heavily...but in their site they deceive users to beleiving its normal tokyo landline which we call cheaply ...dont use it
Call 35 Countries For Free. Dial Tokyo Access Number: 03-4580-0235
I advise you not to try ity..they hide the actual cost u will incure from your local telephone provider bill...