January 21, 2008
Ripped off!
I agreed to pay shipping and handling of 4.87 for a so-called free sample of hoodia-fusion. I received the sample by DHL, and was surprised that there was nothing else in the package, like order forms for more Hoodia, if you liked it and wanted more. I tried it, and it made me puke! Thought nothing more of it, and would never think of ordering more. About 2-4 weeks later, I received a notice in my mailbox to pick up a package at the post office. I went there, and the post office guy told me to write my address and name, and required a signature. I had no idea what this package was, but the post office should have asked me if I wanted to accept it. It had no company name on it or anything. So I guess this is part of Hoodia's scam, you sign for their package, and except it without even knowing that is what it is!!@ Then these thieves try to send you the crap every month and charge your credit card! They are sneaky BASTARDS!!! I disputed the charges to my DISCOVER CARD, and to my shocking dis-may, they ruled in favor of the Hoodia thieves! They gave Hoodia 30 days to respond, and Hoodia produced a bogus sheet saying that I signed up for their auto-ship program! Hoodia-Fusion Scammers, and DISCOVER DISPUTES TEAM should be put behind bars!!! Is this what AMERICA has become, a bunch of jerks ready to steal from you, take money from you that you could be feeding your kids with, and the credit card companies back these low-life worse than drug dealer-mugger bastards??? I got ripped for $180.00. Got nothing for it, sent their crappy product back to them twice, and got no refund. They should be called HOODIA-FUSION-DISCOVER: You get scammed by them, and then DISCOVER card backs them, and you discover that you have been SCREWED ROYAL!!!