I was just looking into getting a loan on-line, cash advance only, and credit card services kept popping up. I guess because I was considering getting a bigger loan.
It was offerered thru certain credit card services, which I didn't want in the first place. I just wanted a fast online cash advance or payday loan up to 5oo.oo up to 1000.00.
You know when you go into these sites they offer to help you get a loan. I didn't think they would introduce credit card offers as a way of getting a cash advance loan. But I guess
they do what they have to do to help you. But one of these Credit Card sites I looked into was Horizon. They withdrew 29.95 from my account without my authorization/
permission! Just because I went into their site. Now that's not right and it really pisses me off! I looked into my account wondering where my money had gone. Sure enough it said Horizon Card Services. I tried to call the famous number 800-251-6144 and the recording said to call back at their normal business hrs...or something like that. I never thought this could happen to me. No wonder I'm afraid to go on-line. All these freakin SCAMS! Well some people are Honest. Not HORIZON or whoever is behind it. They need
to be locked up!!! And I want and need my money back. Are there any lawyers or firms looking into this? I'd like to be helped out in this matter. SERIOUSLY!!!