As an ex employee that left for personal reasons only, I can't help but want to comment on what I read about the Horizon Gold and Net Trust cards from these people...
I heard the same crap from customers daily. "YOU STOLE MY MONEY!" when in reality, 95% of people signing up for the Horizon Gold Car have credit scores of 500 which mean IN REALITY, they all stole from other companies and never paid them back. Such irony.
ALL OF YOU have crappy credit. YET, you expect Visa and Master Card to offer you credit cards. Do any of you know why they don't? CAUSE YOU SUCK AT PAYING YOUR BILLS. And more than likely you would get their credit card, charge it up and walk away just like you've done before.
NO ONE creates BAD CREDIT for you. You do it to yourself, they you sing the Woes me song...always the victim, huh?
Get off your butts, get jobs and fix your credit (yes, PAY THE BILLS YOU OWE) and then you will have choices other than merchant cards.
And stop being such hypocrites. Bad credit means you have riped other companies off by taking their products, services and lines of credit, used them and never paid them.