robin mcqueen
March 22, 2010
my credit card
Send me the right card with the right date on it because you took my money which was 29.95 out of my account for it then you send me a credit card like that with 3/2010 on it your company is fake and a fraud
robin mcqueen
March 22, 2010
my credit card
Send me the right card with the right date on it because you took my money which was 29.95 out of my account for it then you send me a credit card like that with 3/2010 on it your company is fake and a fraud
December 22, 2009
required visa or mc
Iapplied for visa or master card instead igot horizon card .i need visa orm! card (credit cards)
November 20, 2009
False Advertisment
I receintly applied for, and recieved, a Horizon Gold (so called) Credit Card.. It is not a credit card except for on their website, which in my opinion, has nothing but junk.. There wasn't one thing on their site that even interested me.. It was very misleading, and do not want this card and am demanding my money back, and do not want them taking any money from my account.. If any money is pulled from my account I will have no option but to contact aa lawyer to represent me, which I would perfer not to have to do.. Thank You.. Georgia Ressler..
November 17, 2009
not providing the services promised
i want all my money back! i thought this was a real credit card. it is not! these products are too expensive for me and cannot use this card.! why should i pay for something that i cannot use? would you?
November 12, 2009
there a rip off
i thought i was getting a credit card but all it is is is a card that is worthless i want my money back this is a card that is not even worth having
horzion gold
September 26, 2009
no good
it a rip of they make you think you are geting a credit card that you can go to stores and gas staion hotel or anything to do with buying like master card or visea you shop on line what i saw of the the stuff it is no good!!!
August 12, 2009
Scam/Piece of Shit
This card is a piece of shit. The company don't help you rebuild credit at all. You can only buy there mechandise which is crap. Mostly women stuff and when I tried to get my money back they told me I couldn't get it back. Plus I think every one is being over charge. And they said they would rut a check in my account and that would be my credit limit . That was bullshit when I called about the check to be deposited into my account. They told me not right now. I want my money back an dif I don't get it back soonn I going to contact the BBB to furtherhandle this situation.
July 27, 2009
Scam Employer
I have been a sales reprsentative for companies for 20 years. I became unemployed due to outsourcing last year. I applied at this company and was hired. I worked 3 days only to find out what kind of company that I was working for . I couldn't sleep, eat and I have alwys worked for companies and PAID to be truthful. Word of mouth is the best advetisement any company can have. Now I am unemployed and am appealing my unemployment because I could not find the heart to scam and mislead the poverty, elderly and poor working class to pay my wages. I'm sorry to have woked there for those 3 days. Anyone need an honest sales rep?
bryanna barker
July 17, 2009
I wanted to see if i qualified for this card and it said no fee to sign up absolutley free, but then when i got my bank statement not only did it take money out i did approve but it gave me over draft fees! I would like the money put back not to mention the over draft fee fixed as well.I already made a fraud claim and will be willing to seek legal help if I need to do so!!!