Ordered two Caillou videos on June 14, 2009, which was debited (paid for) via my paypal. Today, July 20, 2009. there was a $19.95 debit from HMSmovies866-566-843 FL. When I called to complain I spoke to Marco, which this call went no where, thus requesting to speak to management, was told the female manager's name is Rein (?) was unavailable. After adamantly demanding a refund I was told it would take 30-60 days to receive refund. I wanted to know why it would take so long, which Marco could not explain. I also told Marco I required an email to support our telephone conversation. All I received was a cancellation of membership from a different company called Best Brand Values (bestbrandvalues.com). I then called two other phone numbers, given to me from Smart Savings, one being a Fax number and the other number was not answered. This company is doing business under several different names. ***Total Rip Off***SCAM*** Do not do Business with any of these companies!!!
Hot Movie Sale http://www.hotmoviesale.com/
SmartSavingsCenter, LLC
Best Brand Values