I realize that the majority drinks coffee, but for the ones that do not.
Could someone please tell the emplyees of Dunkin Donuts that tea is not the same as coffee and can not be prepared in the same manor.
For years now I have tried to speak slowly and clearly and ask politly for a Med. hot tea with one sweet n' low and a splash of skim milk and please but the milk in last.
Apparently this is to much to ask for. So then I came up with a new game plan. I would ask for tea, sweet n' low no milk. Until the water was already in, then I make it as if I had a lost minute craving for some milk.
And that works, excpet for the 90% of the time that the worker gives me dirty looks, sucks their teeth or even on some occasion complains to me about how I place my order.
I think Dunkin Donuts should have tea preperation classes for all employess.
Until then, I went to Kmart bought myself a travell hot cup and make my tea myself.
Thanks Dunkin Donuts for helping me save money and time.