I answered an online ad that claimed to be associated with Google, post links for money, that sort of thing.
The initial claim was that for just 3.99 I would get their info packet, no additional charges mentioned.
However, once I entered my card info I was shown a screen that informed me that I would be billed 74.93 a month in perpetuity unless I cancelled within 30 days, this was a week ago (approx 01/06/2010). I tried to cancel immediately but was given the stall and finally told to cancel online. My request to cancel online came back to my inbox the next day with a message that said that this e-mail had been delayed and that I do not need to resend my message, which I tried to do anyway but see where that got me!
Now, less that a week later I have had to block my credit card and am now in the ugly process of filing a dispute form with my credit union.