If you are looking to create a money making Hot or Not type of website there are a bunch of scripts that can be purchased for about $100 - $200. I have reviewed most of them and while some are good and some are bad... I am writing this review because of the programmer's behavior not the script itself.
For those familiar with PHP programming, many script providers offer working online demos of their product so you can check and test features both from the client side and the admin side. This site does not have that. I wrote and asked if there was a demo, and I wrote that request in proper english. The programmer replied and referred me to their own chinese website, so I was unable to read and understand anything. How does this make sense.
I wrote again asking for a english version. Being that they consider themselves to be the Best and #1 source for this type of script. I was then referred to some pethetic put-together of a site. There was nothing else available. I search more online and found another site that not only had online demos but a list of websites that currently use the script along with a 15-Day Free trail and 30 Day money back guarantee.
I then wrote to Cresoft and told them that they should improve their marketing and provide at the very least working demos if they want to sell scripts. I told them I found their competitors site and they come highly recommended on a lot of the programming forums.
Cresoft replied with bashing the other company and called me a 5 year old, but hope to earn my business in the future. When I said I would never buy from them they have not stopped seding "F-U" messages to me.
Stay away from these crazy people.