May 2, 2010
This company Emperiam Village, and this Towing company, I found out they have a scam going on, they move your vehicle over the parking line, so when they take a picture it would seem, like you parked in the wrong, taking two spaces, what happened is that the towing company PME, takes a so, called picture so you are in the wrong but people know damn well they parke the RIGHT way, so when you go and complain they already got a so, called picture, but what happens is that the towing company and the rental office, split the money from the towing for the week, so you are out of 175 dollars that then they split 70-30 that is the scam they git going, people DO NOT MOVE HERE, EMPERIAM VILLAGE will scam you and your friends.
July 19, 2009
Bachelors accomodation in Family Apartment?
I am surprised how can an apartment with all families be rented to bachelors as happening in Saudi Arabia.
In my apartment, there are all families except one bachelors accomodation and the landlord happliy accomodates them...Is there no law in this country?
Who is the right person to complaint to except police?
March 6, 2009
saxon will not dismiss your escrow but will raise your fixed payment. how can this company do so much damage to the public without something being done. ypu can't get the president of the company, , let him know he is going to lose money, by puting people on the street. he must be rich enough to waste money, but he can't buy his way into heaven and he will have to be fogiven for all the wrong he is doing to people, he is bleeding hard working people of their homes. you will pay some day for your greedie self.