I have been dealing with HP for several weeks now. My camera that was only 3 months old was not working correctly. The man at the service station told me to mail it them and they would have it back to me or a replacement one within 7-10 days. Well 25 days later I began researching and calling HP.
Several e-mail and phone calls later they finally admitted to signing the UPS stating that they received my camera. Before this they stated that there is no service station for cameras so I had to dig out the address where I sent it. Then they hadn't received my camera. Then they lost it. Then because of Ike in Texas they were unable to locate my ticket number. On the 10th call to them the man kept telling me that there was nothing that they cold do for me because I didn't have a serial number, gee I would but I sent the camera to you which you lost.
Finally the 4th call from the compliant manager they decided to refund me the money in 7-10 days (umm, just like my camera huh?). This lady never once said she was sorry or that they were wrong. All she would give me was different reasons why it wasn't their fault. I have spent over 10 hours of my work time just trying to get my broken camera back plus I think I am going to have to take anger management after dealing with HP, I have never encounter a company that dealt with customer service this way, it is all the customers fault not theirs.
I will never be doing business with them and my 20th e-mail to them I stated that I would let everyone I know not to buy and HP product. So here I am!!