I was looking for the HP hate group but I guess this will have to do. After years of owning Dell's I made the fatal mistake of buying an HP. In just less than 2 years the PC died. After doing some research I learned it was a bad motherboard. Two of my friends had the same problem. Bad news was it was out of warranty. But both my friends told me theirs were out of warranty too but HP replaced them. So I called HP. No go! All the rep said repeatedly was "Out of warranty". I then asked for the reps name and she gave only her first name . When I asked for her last name she said she didn't have one. When I ask for he employee number she said "11". When I asked to speak to her manager she said she didn't have one. I guess that is why she wasn't very concerned about her attitude. When I ask where she was she said the Philippines. Can't blame this one on India.
So I called corporate in Texas and they could care less. To think that they knew they had bad motherboards and were not willing to replace just the motherboard is flat out unethical. I will NEVER buy from them again nor will I let any of my friends.