Holy shit. 33 minutes and 11 seconds to call and order a battery.
I knew exactly what I wanted.
This is not my first rodeo. I want a 12 cell lithium ion battery for my dv5 Pavilion laptop.
Easy right.
Well not when you call the order line, have to be transferred and be connected to someone who has a shitty phone connection and a language barrier. I no longer see the value in outsourcing. This could have been a 2 minute 30 second phone call to someone who spoke English natively.
If it costs 1/10 of the cost for an American to answer my call for this guy (named Elaine oddly enough, just like Peggy on the Capital One commercial) it still would be more cost effective to have an American or native English speaker take my call. Not only would it be more cost effective, but my pain and frustration level would be much lower having a different impact on my future decisions to purchase products from this company.
Also, the price was different online, and it noted there was no inventory. The price structure online was way off. The 6 cell batteries were more expensive then the 12, and the 9 cells were cheaper than the 6's. Way skewed. None of the online pricing matched what Elaine quoted and I almost felt that this poor phone rep was the butt of a cruel joke by being given the name Elaine.
AHHHHHH. HP please get your shit straight. I just want a freaking battery. I would have purchased from Amazon as I do everything else but I have had a tough time with the reliability of batteries from the sellers on Amazon. So I went back to the manufacturer.
Anyone know of a computer manufacturer that has not outsourced their phone support or ordering? I will buy one tomorrow.