Where does one begin after numorus calls to store and to home office only to be told that there is nothing they can do because my computer was sent back to hp for repair and they lost it but my question is ???? I didn't give my computer to hp Circuit city did so why is it that I am the one out a computer why has Circuit city not given me a new computer then faught with hp to re-emberse them If I ran my business this way I wouldn't have a business but what it more I am a photographer and this is my busy season but without a computer i have not been able to make much money this last 5 MONTHS now even to you this must seem incredible I have been treated rudly and have not had calls returned and lie after lie and at teh end of my rope .. I am a cancer patient and stress is the worst thing that I can have I guess this isn't suppose to be stressful and another question to CIrcuit city or HP is I can't give my kidsand grandkids the christmas I usually do so does someone from either of these companies want to call them and tell them they are not at fault and explain that they don't care that this might be my last christmas with them and too bad I couldn't have a nice christmas for them ..I have written before and said weeks ago the right thing would have been that a new computer should have been sent overnight to my home but unfortunately a hugh company such as circuit city and or Hp can't be bothered with such things so I am sure I am waisting my time once again and time to me is somthing too precious to waste but here I am once again
Cindra Dixon