I bought a used HP DV-6T from someone off of Craigslist. He was the original owner. The package was complete plus extras - minus the box. DV-6T laptop, 3 chargers, MS Office 2007, StarCraft, Power Director Ultra, Civilization, original restore discs, Oblivion, Antenna unit, an extra Hard Disk, still under warranty. I talked to HP more than 30 times. I tried to transfer ownership, and talked to at least 6 different people - INDIA OFFSHORE. AND I have the copy of Craigslist advertisement which has the seller's phone number and the DETAIL of the items as listed above. A couple of weeks later, I needed to have a warranty repair for the laptop. I called HP and AGAIN I confirmed with them my name and address to have this returned to me. Long story short, the laptop was returned to the Seller. The seller seemed to receive notice that the laptop was in repair. The seller intercepted the package and have it routed to another address in another state. I was furious and confused. I LOST THE LAPTOP. I immediately filed a police report. But not sure what the police can do, since the incident was in 2 states. AGAIN I was on call with HP MILLION TIMES to try to get the laptop back. I spoke with 2 case managers, Carlos and John. Carlos promised to call me the next day. He never did. I had to call him. 2 weeks later, I escalated to an Executive Customer Relations person, Daniel. She promised to call me back on Tuesday (yesterday). But she never did. Latest update, I called the Executive Customer Relations office and spoke with an operator who refused to let me speak with Daniel. She said that the case has been escalated to HP Security. I forwarded all the photos, evidence to HP case managers and to Daniel at HP E.C.R. The police business card with case number, all photos of accessories left behind, plus FEDEX shipping tab, plus the copy of craigslist ad, plus the CELL PHONE records between my cell and his cell at the time of transaction, plus HP repair order form indicating my name and address, plus the GOOGLE search showing his ad on the result list (seller wrote COSTOM instead of Custom so I could easily query).
I feel that it was HP's fault and HP's broken process in FAILING to send the laptop back to its legal owner - ME. People buy and sell things, so it was ignorant for HP to not change ownership and confirmed the request. I am fighting this and possibly do a small claim suit. We'll see. It's been a month since the incident. If you have any advice please let me know, I really need your help so HP can send me a replacement.