My HP's dv6000 Laptop had to be serviced continuously for 3 months and is still broken. First service call was placed in late 01/2007. The problem was found on defective wireless card. It was first replaced with a new one, but by replacing just the card did not fix the problem. The laptop was sent in for repair. Wireless card was repaired but soundcard was not working when the laptop got back. Also the battery was missing. The laptop was sent in again for repair. They eventually send a new battery separately. The laptop was eventually serviced but it has a battery and a AC supply that I did not send in, the DVD drive is defective and it also has someone else's hard drive inside my laptop (laptop has my serial number EZ472UA#ABA) with the owner's personal data.
Just to authenticate my case, I was assigned with HP's case manager, Joe Broadbur at (877) 917-4380 x94 option 1. But I can not get through other than leaving messages. I also tried other HP numbers without any help.
First, I am extremely angry that this laptop keeps on failing. Second, not only they have compromised someone else's personal data, they don't seem to care because no one has called me back even though they know I have someone else's hard drive. This hard drive has a lot of personal files.
Beware people!