I apologize if I appear to ramble but I am very frustrated. HP technical support is a falicy and they have no integrity advertising customer support when you purchase their products. In no way do I have a problem with people from other countries providing technical support but there are limits like basic communications skills and simply understanding your questions. When you call customer support to complain about this the simply transfer you to technical support (or lack of it) where the problem exists and nothing gets resolved.
I purchased an HP All-in-One Officejet. I don't know why they entice you with "Office"jet due to the lack of standard business features. It does not allow one to display both company name and personal name on outgoing fax pages. When faxing via fax software provided, it does not provide cover sheet functionality. If one wishes to scan and send it by email, their software supports only Outlook.
Evidently they just do not care about these issues and the customer support is a mockery. I scoured their website for solutions and these issues are not to be found. I tried several attempts with each of the "customer service???" offerings (telephone, online chat and email).
Telephone support: You have to repeat your problem 13 times. If you ask a basic question they put you on hold to try to look up the answer. In my opinion, this is not "technical support".
Telephone, online chat and email: In most cases their response is useless, irrelevant, or just plain incorrect or doesn't exist.
Online chat and email: Their English is poor which explains why you cannot get a solution addressing your problem. Most of the time when you ask why they do not answer the question or where they are located, they either say they are from the U.S. or make excuses. If they are indeed from the U.S. as many of them claim, HP should be embarrassed by hiring people with such poor language skills.