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HP Reviews

March 20, 2008
Product replacement!
I bought HP 530 business notebook last year. According to standard manufacturing warranty I suppose to have one year hardware warranty. My AC adapter needs to be replaced I called 10 days to get it done. 1st time when i chat with someone from India (outsourced) gave me a case # saying that the parts has been ordered. I would get it within 3 business days, but after a week I didn’t get anything from them. Not even a notification saying that my order has been canceled or something. I have to call 3 different number, 1st call went to India, took 20 mins to get someone on the phone then they don’t deal with the replacement parts order so they transfer me back to another number then the call went to china, I have no clue what the agent was saying. Then she transfers me to USA another number they told me it’s a Canadian purchase I have to go to Canadian order status team. Then they again transfer met o Costa Rica and that time I got someone, when I showed got angry the agent hang up on me. I had to call them again then another agent was trying to threatening me “SAYING YOU DON’T UNDER STAND MY ENGLISH COZ MY ENGLISH IS NOT GOOD .Most of the time their English was horrible to under sand. Then finally spoke with supervisor and advised that this issue will go to HP CANADA. She wasn’t even sympathizing about that incident. Took her name and agent id so that I can complain directly to HP. One word, boycott HP product. They don’t have any customer support at all. ALL OF THEM ARE OUTSOURCED AND HAVE VERY VERY BAD SUPPORT.
March 18, 2008
Horrible support!
I have contacted HP Support with various issues. I purchased the HP Care pack to go along with my expensive laptop for a nice tidy sum of $$. All of which gets me people who do not speak or understand a word of English. This has been the absolutely most frustrating experience. When I do finally get someone who can speak "some" English, the response is incredibly slow. It is clear they have no clue and are following a script. There is ZERO thought process going on at the other end of the phone.

My latest issue is my CPU is pegging at 100%. After 1 hour of clearing out temp space, the tech said I had to completely restore my PC. I asked "what is the cause of the CPU staying at 100%". The response was something about my contract. Now clearly he had no answer and made one up. I just called moments ago to try again. Guess what? When I said I called last night with this issue, the person hung up!! Yes, that's right. Poof! Gone!

I have more stories, but what I'm really looking for is the "phone number" of who to call to get this complaint to someone at HP that can help.

Enough is enough! I want to cancel this USELESS HP Care pack contract and get my money back!!!
March 11, 2008
Scam and cheating!
I bought Compaq laptop (windows vista) at end of Oct 2007 -- not top of the line but what could afford at the time. Its a little rough but functionable. The real big problems began when I needed a new printer and chose HP Photosmart C4200 All-in-one system (again due to financial short comings). After a couple of weeks of trouble free works, it started pumping out a 'new copy' of the printer. The first time, I thought it was an 'update' type system working. After a couple more times of this, I started being concerned as that I now had multiple printer copies on my laptop. In a month's time, it has managed to install 18 copies of itself on the laptop. Part of the time I can not even get the copier to work with even redirecting it to the 'proper' copy of the printer. This causes great problems with my children's school work and my use because it is not dependable in the least.

I initially contacted HP via email at the onset and received a generated customer survey only after a week. I gave HP failed marks and asked to be contacted because of my existing problem had not been addressed. I was sent a second customer standardized form asking why the low marks. I filled out the reply and again asked to be contacted. Again, No contact from HP. I have tried the home page for HP -- they do not like the serial number provide and I can not proceed with the standard fill in form because it rejects the serial number. One would suppose, since I registered the product that that would be in their system files.

I do not have the hours to stay connected on the telephone line to receive help... after a half hour of waiting, I realized I could be there hours and still not have my problem resolved. I truly can not hold on the line for extended periods of time with children, animals, work, and life in general happening.
At this point, I believe HP to be a rip off company because they do not make an attempt to contact consumer's problems. I have resigned myself to the fact that this printer (and even the laptop) system I am currently using is on its way down, it was a bad choice, and a waste of money. I do not believe that HP has any intentions of even suppling tech support. With the help of HP, I am on my way to being a convert! I am turning away from all Hp products and turning towards APPLE more and more. People I know that have HPs are all having problems with their products and support while strangely (or not!) my friends with Apple computers/ non HP are trouble free. I do not believe this to be coincident.
February 18, 2008
Worst customer support

We bought a HP Pavilion DV2202TX with Vista Home Premium pre-installed back in June 2007 for about USD 1400. At that time, we thought that Windows Vista should be already fully supported by the laptop manufacturers, and HP laptops seemed to have nicer looks and audio. It turned out that too bad we were deceived like that as we quickly realized how unreliable their laptops are. Last October (2007), we noticed that our laptop started to shut down randomly. It just suddenly powered off in all kinds of situations, e.g. when the laptop was starting up (before even entering Windows), when it was playing music or movie, or just standing-by, without any warning. After a few times, we were convinced that it must be hardware failure. But anyway, we still tried to do a destructive recovery. Half-way during the first recovery, however, the laptop powered off again and we had to start over again. Thank goodness we were able to finish the second recovery. However, the problem was not solved, and it started to shut down more frequently than ever. Initially we suspected that the problems might come from memory or motherboard, as whenever more programs were opened, the laptop just crashed down. After googling for the symptoms that we had, and reading from many forums, we realized that the problems were caused by high CPU/motherboard temperature and overheating. We also read that many users experienced large fan noise and high temperature with their Windows Vista pre-installed HP laptops. To make sure, we installed a small utility called 'CoreTemp' to monitor the CPU temperature and we were shocked to find out that both CPU cores (it's Intel Core 2 Duo T7200) were constantly running at about 60 ~ 70 degree Celsius when the laptop was idle! That was a damn high temperature! And it quickly got hotter as more programs were opened. We witnessed the temperature increase from 60 degree all the way up to 100 degree Celsius, and the BIOS came to cut off the power! (opening Windows Live Messenger plus three or four IE windows with AVG antivirus running in the background can easily make it shut down). We are almost certain that the high temperature must be the reason for its numerous shutdowns, but we do not know what caused it. It is really ridiculous as it can reach 100 degree in like 5 ~ 10 minutes! Since it has shut down for so many (countless indeed) times, we expect that many parts of the hardware must have been somehow damaged. The lifetime of the laptop must be significant shortened after suffering the ultra high temperature and numerous sudden shut down.

But this laptop is still under warranty, right? Why didn't we send it back to HP? In fact, we did, and that brings us to the even more ridiculous part.

Customer Support:

We bought this laptop from HP Malaysia and we bought it for use in the U.S. one month later. So, before making the purchase, we asked and triple-confirmed that the laptop will be under global warranty, i.e. it can get repair and service in the U.S. even though we bought it in Malaysia. After gaining their confirmations only did we decide to buy it in Malaysia. However, to our dismal, the HP warranty is really crappy and you'll know why in a minute.

When we first had the shutdown issue in October, we sent it to Best Buy, which was the closest HP accredited service provider at Lincoln. They said they would send it to HP service center, but actually they sent it to Best Buy service center at Denver. We waited for about two weeks to get it back. BUT it was returned UNREPAIRED, with a statement saying the laptop had 'different language' and it couldn't be fixed! We didn't understand what they meant by 'different language', because we have only used English, and have never changed any default language setting! So we asked Best Buy at Lincoln again to send it. They said if we insisted that it was a hardware malfunction, they could do some diagnosis and send it for service again once they identified the problem. A few days later they called and told us that the motherboard seemed to have issues as the laptop shut down by itself, so they were sending it to Best Buy service center at Kentucky. We thought this time it would be fixed but once again it was returned UNREPAIRED with the following statement:

"Language Code is incorrect. Unit was not bought in the United States, therefore we can not work on this unit. Sending back unit to customer unrepaired."

This is ridiculous. If there is language code problem, Best Buy should contact HP manufacturer and tried to do something! Moreover, we believe there must exist some person in the U.S. who can understand the language. What's worse, after they sent the laptop back, they never followed up at all, but just left things back to our hands. We really couldn't believe such a big company could behave so irresponsibly. If HP (or Best Buy) couldn't fix it, how are we supposed to know what to do on it? Furthermore, when we bought this unit, the HP Malaysia had confirmed that it was under international warranty, or else we wouldn't have bought it in the first place. (Here is the link that explains HP laptops "global warranty": http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/g...cname=bpr01266 )

Since Best Buy and HP were so irresponsible, we decided to call HP to complain about the issue. We were led to a technician who kept trying to suggest that it's software-related problems and we had a hard time to convince him that it was NOT. The technician just sounded like a total computer moron who only asked people to restore the laptop system using recovery discs. Unable to solve problems by phone, we wrote emails to the customer support. After several correspondence, they replied that a Case Manager was assigned to take care of our issues. When the Case Manager approached us, however, we were told that HP only offered one option -- which was to ship the laptop back to Malaysia for repair. She mentioned that the shipment fee would be paid in full by HP. We suggested that since October, we had not been using this expensive piece of crap (which we paid about RM 5000, or USD $1400 for) for 4 months already and wouldn't want to wait any longer. But the case manager, who goes by the name "Kandace Kamber", just said HP only offered this one and only option and nothing else. We gave up trying to argue with her, and checked the prices for laptop shipment to Malaysia. The price range was rather expensive, about USD 200+. Thus we called to confirm that the amount would be reimbursed, but this time Kandace Kamber said, HP can only covered part of the fee by giving us accessories of equal amount. We asked how could we use the accessories if the laptop was not working? But she ignored the question and stated that this was all HP can do. Just as we were prepared to send it today, we called this Kandace Kamber again. You know what, this time she replied with a big "NO", saying HP will not be responsible for anything at all. We were angry and asked why they changed their mind, and she responded that they just changed the policy. She also asked us to direct all our questions to HP Malaysia as apparently there is no connection between HP U.S. and HP Malaysia. We were speechless.

We have been contacting HP on and off for 4 months by now and they just declined to give us any help. We are extremely frustrated with HP right now and probably we should just drop the laptop off some 13-th (or higher) floor, and get other laptop. But we aren't rich and $1400 is a rather big amount to us... after all, we might resort to sending it back to Malaysia using our own money. This is not written to ask for any sympathy and this is not about generating hatred or anything. You can disagree with us if you happened to be their fans. We are doing the least thing we can do to protect our rights and to share our experiences/lessons with potential victims. If you doubt that there is any truth in this long passage, don't hesitate to contact us @ [email protected] (yes, the account is set up for this purpose!), and we'll have the documents, the warranty sheet, emails, etc ready to show you. Actually, we are not alone in facing HP scams: a lot of similar cases have been reported -- whether or not the laptops were bought in the U.S.. HP customer support is certainly the worst one I've ever seen.
February 18, 2008
Not delivered the cylinder and wrong delivery information
The praveena gas agencies people is not delivering the cyclinder in the committed time and when we ask they are forcing, doing rowdiezm. Even they will not lift the phone when we call them to book the cyliner.
Also the delivery boy is forcibly collecting Rs.10/- additional amount. If we denied he says, come down and bring your cylinder.

Please look into this matter.

Rajender Cheekoti
February 14, 2008
Terrible service!
I had given my Compaq 7500 monitor for servicing to Redington India Limited, Guwahati, Assam, India (Ph.91-361-2450611) on 05.02.08 (Receipt No.13868) but I find their service as very poor in following respect:

1. Response to customer in not good. (action is very slow).
2. Lack in technically skill manpower. (they might have failed detect the problem with the monitor).

This may create negative attitude towards the all the concerned companies.
February 9, 2008
Terrible quality product!
Buyer Beware! I ordered a complete desktop suite from HP, including 19 in monitor, slimline tower and 3-way printer. I specifically asked for a built in modem and the system arrived without a modem. Several calls to overseas people who can't understand or speak English later, they decided to send me another tower with a built in modem. Tower 2 arrived without a modem. Several more calls totaling 4 hours this time resulted in a lucky transfer to Canada where they explained that they don't build in modems anymore. They should have told me this when I ordered, right???

I have logged over 12 hours on the phone and have spoken to over 22 people, only two of which spoke English and weren't named some cutesy american name like "John Wayne" or " Betsy Ross"... sadly I'm not kidding.

Now I am waging another battle via email trying to reach someone in HP Corporate to discuss the ridiculous exchanges and hope to secure some type of rebate or compensation for my time. I am currently on my 7thy email where they keep providing a canned response with a 800 number to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor at that number is in India, can't speak clear English but won't transfer my calls to a U.S. call center because they are the supervisors. Then they tell me there is nothing they can do to compensate me but want to sell me additional HP products.

I am continuing to try to find a real live English speaking person in a suit at HP who would like to keep my business. Wish me luck!!!
January 16, 2008
Bad quality product!
I purchased an HP DV 6000 laptop about a year ago, and just recently it quit working, took it to a shop and they said it was the motherboard and video card. I have looked online several times to the forums of this product and it seems that this is a problem by a lot of people and poor customer support from HP on fixing the laptops, shipping dates and additional problems in a short time after it is fixed. I am not going to get involved with even trying to get it serviced, because it will probably be unreliable and i can purchase another one for a little more than the repair bill and headaches.
December 4, 2007
November 30, 2007
Poor Service
I have been trying for 3 weeks to get a Compaq Notebook 6515b reparied. According to support, they are shipping a box to me, overnight, to send the Laptop to a repair center.

I have been told this 4 times, and still have not received a box to send it back to them.


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