wireless adapter failed. seems this is a common problem
"Click on Start, then type cmd and hit enter. Type ipconfig /all. Under the entry for your wireless connection, does it say "Media disconnected"?
Does the light stay the same color and not turn off when you move the switch?
If the answer to those questions are "Yes", then you will need to get your laptop repaired.
Also Vista install is just an unpack from the hd, not from a cd/dvd
so if the install goes wrong, youre caput...
the power failed during my install... Vista stuck in a tight loop error mesg.. this is intolerable...
HP HELP IS NON EXISTANT... some indian woman got abusive and hung up.
I installed a bootleg vista... the "proper" vista is largely undeletable...
got video drivers etc, , but the NB is fairly crappy
DO NOT buy compaq/HP