I had a fraudulent charge of 379 that I have been disputing for some time. On advice from my attorney, after HSBC "closed the file" and destroyed my credit rating, not a threat like their letter stated, I called them to settle the full amount of the fraudulent charge over the phone only to be told by HSBC that they would not accept payment at that time and would get back to me. Which they never did. Ten days latter I received another threatening letter form HSBC with an additional one hundred dollars plus charge in addition to the "total payment due" I had on my last bill and they verified over the phone ten days earlier when I wanted to pay in full but they refused to accept payment.
Result: I paid the amount due on the fraudulent charge quoted to me by HSBC in the phone conversation and stated on my last billing. I also stated in the letter I sent with the check that by accepting this check # against my "" account HSBC is admitting to false charges and payment in full.